Enhance Your Social Media Strategy with Vine

What is Vine?

Twitter’s new (and free!) video-sharing mobile app, Vine, was created to serve the same purpose as its strictly-140-characters-or-less founder―to capture and share brief moments in time (six seconds to be exact) in a creative way that allows you to express yourself using a fusion of picture, motion and sound. Essentially, Vine is to Twitter what Instagram is toFacebook―a more personal, captivating and concise way to visually display what you are saying and humanize your brand.

Companies are finding Vine to be an affordable alternative to professional video marketing and are showcasing their organization’s personality and mission while finding fun ways to interact with their audiences and garner more online exposure―all at no cost.

How can my company use Vine?

Make your mark in this niche by finding a new mode for communicating different content, ideas and moments, and watch brand awareness and customer engagement grow. Here are a few ideas on how to use Vine for your business (but we’re sure as soon as you start using it, you’ll find even more reasons and ways!):

Increase Awareness

  • Brand your videos with your logo, products and services
  • Give sneak peeks into new products
  • Share daily deals and specials
  • Promote upcoming events
  • Attract visitors to your booth when exhibiting at a conference
  • Offer behind-the-scenes snippets
  • Introduce your employees
  • Share fun facts about your organization

Increase Engagement

  • Begin a conversation by asking a question
  • Start a contest and ask for video submissions from followers
  • Demonstrate how to use a new product, service or feature
  • Offer a quick Q&A after an event
  • Create and resolve a conflict in seconds

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