Production Order Lock – Watch Out

The production order lock functionality will freeze the scheduled start and finish dates of the production order.It can only be checked manually. With this box checked, a warning message will come up when you try to schedule the order, an also when you release or start it.But this box has a surprising side-effect for the capacity reservations.

Normally, when I report hours against an operation, the capacity reservations immediately get reduced after posting the Route Card Journal.


Op 10 – 10 hrs. Post Routing Card Journal for Op 10 for 5 hours, do not check “complete” checkbox.

Capacity reservations remaining : 5 hours.

Post Routing Card journal for Op 10 for another 1 hour, DO check “complete” checkbox.

Capacity reservations remaining: 0 hours.

This functionality is frozen when my production order is locked.

Capacity reservations are no longer reduced until I remove the lock and actually RE-schedule the production order.

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