Vicinity Manufacturing: Lot Trace Recall

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Products need to be safe for consumers, which is why companies go through rigorous quality testing upon receipt of materials and prior to releasing finished product to the public. In the event of tainted material, manufacturers need to be able to quickly determine who and what has been affected by this item.  Furthermore, to meet the requirements of many compliance agencies, companies will be asked to perform mock recalls where they are graded based on both accuracy and timeliness.

For many companies, this can be quite a lengthy process having to sort through stacks of handwritten documents for each production ticket…That mock recall needs to be a quick and accurate process. Using Vicinity Manufacturing with Microsoft Dynamics, companies can perform their mock recalls within minutes.

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Here we have the option to trace an item upward or downward. The downward trace would take a specific lot for an item and show the components/lots that went into that particular item. The upward trace will take a specific component/lot and track every production ticket that consumed that lot OR any production ticket that may have used a product that contains that lot.

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In this example, we’re selecting lot 002-002 for component ID FL-RM1005

We can see the first level of batches that consumed this item.

We see the list of Item Lot Numbers that consumed that lot. The first line, CH-002184 is the lot number for FL-1001 that consumed FL-RM1005…Incidentally, FL-1001 lot CH-002184 was subsequently used in another batch to product lot 11116-1-001 for item FL-7001-25…

Again, the idea is that any item that came in contact with item FL-RM1005 lot 002-002 needs to be identified.  Once we select the trace direction, we can see the path of this item/lot combination.

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While this data is great, as the user generates the lot trace report, they can then view more information. This report, which can be customized, currently shows what production batch tickets consumed the Item/Lot combination, but also take that a step further showing the sales information for items that consumed our tainted lot.

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