Tackling Inventory Dilemmas in a Connected World

Tackle Inventory Dilemmas in this Connected World


Master current supply-chain wide trends and techniques with ERP software in this downloadable eBook

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Topics Inside the Book

Inventory is important for sales conversions. When a customer is served quickly and without much difficulty, the chances of them being a repeat buyer goes up. The problem is inventory can tie up working capital if the product sits in your warehouses. Even with the advances with the data science and art of institutional knowledge, companies can struggle to keep up with the pace of globalization.

The platform that sits at the center of connected companies is enterprise-grade technology. The scale even small to medium businesses need to wrap their heads around keeps growing with the ever expanding global markets, demands precise software. With an modern ERP system, managing inventory across locations, vendors, partners and customers can be accomplished.

Challenges come from a variety of sources. Raw material shortages can impact speed to service. Regulations can cause a myriad of red tape, but keeps people safe in industries like medical devices. To overcome some of these challenges, technology based on the Internet of Things (IoT) is charting a new course for suppliers.

With more capabilities comes higher cost, right? Not always. With cloud-based platforms, your organization can control the data and size of your implementation as your company adjusts to these turbulent and fast-paced times. Knowing what options are available will guide your decision making towards what makes sense for your organization.


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