Transitioning to Dynamics 365 Business Central From Other Dynamics Products

Now that Dynamics 365 Business Central is available, what does that mean for existing Dynamics Customers? Well, Microsoft has provided a transition path for you. This offer is only available for existing customers prior to April 1, 2018. Existing customers include those who have been running Dynamics 365 Business Edition or any other solution from the Dynamics Family:

  • AX,
  • NAV,
  • GP,
  • POS,
  • SL,
  • RMS,
  • C5, and
  • XAL.

In addition, customers must have an active Enhancement Plan to qualify.

Another point of note for customers of Dynamics 365 Business Edition, existing customers can still renew their subscriptions of the product. However, as of April 2, 2018, customers can no longer buy it.

Discounts for Transitioning to Dynamics 365 Business Central

From now until June 30, 2020, Microsoft will offer a discount for transitioning to Dynamics 365 Business Central (D365BC) from another Dynamics product. Please note that existing Subscription or SPLA-licensed customers are not eligible for this transition discount. If you are one of these customers, you must sign up for a new subscription to D365BC at full price.

The discount will be 40% off the user subscription price to transition. For more details on D365BC costs, please read our licensing information article.

Any additional licenses purchased after the transition and before the June 30, 2020 deadline will still receive the 40% discount. After the June 30th, 2020, the 40% discount will expire on all user subscriptions and revert to full price.

What About On-Premise Dynamics Transitions?

We will provide transition tools for all of our current on-premises Dynamics solutions. Starting from the general release on April 2, 2018, tools are already available to transition from on-premises Dynamics NAV, Dynamics GP and Dynamics SL.

Have more questions or are ready to start your D365BC subscription?

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