How to Make the NetSuite Global Search Feature Do the Work for You

NetSuite is such a robust system that often, it can become daunting to find particular pages or records quickly and easily. Rather than spending time searching through the drop-down menus, use the global search to find what you are looking for.

If you just start typing in the global search, the system will attempt to return all records that contain what you have typed.

NetSuite Global Search

To avoid having records that you don’t want or need show up in the search, use these tips to narrow down your search.

  1. To make the search faster, use prefixes. For example, if you know you are looking for a customer record start your search with CUST: and you will narrow down your search results to just customer records.
  2. You can use a percentage sign (%) before or after your search word to return all records with that word in it. For example, if you know you have an invoice that starts with 265 but you’re not sure the rest, type INV: 265% and it will return all invoices that start with 265.
  3. If you want an exact text match, you can use quotation marks (“”) to retrieve them. For example, you are looking for all records that contain notes you typed “Urgent” in a custom field that has been enabled for global search, you simply need to put the quotes around the word or phrase and the search will return all records with that word or phrase.
  4. You can replace a letter with an underscore (_) to find records where you might not be sure what the spelling of the word might be. An example would be to use cust: _he if you weren’t sure if the customer name was spelled Sheryl or Cheryl.
  5. If you want to search records but you know they are inactive, you can use a plus sign (+) in your search. An example is if you have a former employee that has been inactivated but you need to see their record quickly, type EMP: Sam+ to return Sam’s employee record even though it is inactive.
  6. Another helpful search shortcut is to use the word OR to multiple criteria in the search bar. For example, you could enter Sheryl OR Cheryl OR Sherry to return records containing any of the three names.
  7. To open the search results in a new window simply use a double colon (::) in the search. For example, type Cust::Sheryl and your search results will be opened in a new browser window.

If you would like more information about NetSuite, please please contact us at any time! You can also learn about more great tips for NetSuite on our YouTube playlist or our other blog posts.

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