Finding N:N Relationships with Dynamics 365, Logic Apps, and Flow

Where is my new relationship??

After searching the list of entities, my eyes were getting tired. I could not find the N:N relationship that I had created between Contacts and Customers (Accounts). The schema name was new_contact_customerlocation and it had a Custom Label of “Location Contacts NEW.” However, Dynamics 365 did not have this relationship anywhere in the entity list.

How to Find N:N Relationships with Dynamics 365

Next, I decided to try entering a custom value of new_contact_customerlocation. No luck!

How to Find N:N Relationships with Dynamics 365

Then I entered the custom label on a whim. Still fails.

How to Find N:N Relationships with Dynamics 365

As a last effort, I checked the odata entity list itself by pasting the URL in a browser:

Then I hit CTRL+F to find “customerlocation”


I found my entity, but it had a different name. The word “set” was appended, making it “new_contact_customerlocaitonset.”

how to find N:N relationships with Dynamics 365

I add this as a custom value and success! I had my data returned.

How to Find N:N Relationships with Dynamics 365

So, how do we prevent this in the future? Since N:N relationships are hidden under the covers, it may just be worth creating that third entity yourself instead of using a N:N relationship. Definitely think it through when choosing this relationship type.

If you have any questions about N:N relationships in Dynamics 365 or Dynamics 365 in general, please contact us at any time!

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