5 Tips to Market your Business During the Holidays

Marketing for the holiday season

With the holidays upon us everyone is looking forward to getting into the spirit: spending time with family and friends, traveling, holiday meals, shopping for those on your gift list. This time of year, we are all surrounded by marketing messages – online, print and radio advertisements. What marketing efforts have you planned for your business the season? Not sure where to start? Here are 5 tips to better market your business during the holidays.

1. Plan Ahead

The holiday season is never a surprise, but does it seem to creep up on you every year? Don’t let your holiday marketing message land like a holiday card coming after the season. Last minute execution shows poor preparation. Confirm your digital and/or print campaign now!

2. Utilize Social Media

Social media is a great channel for sharing your marketing messages, and a digital marketing campaign can be as simple or as complex as your capabilities and budget allow. Something as simple as posting an image on social media wishing your followers “Happy Holidays” is just fine. If you want to be more creative, post some pictures of your team in their holiday finest, or come up with a contest for a free giveaway, or even create some sort of poll/quiz. Be sure your message is fun and creative. Selling isn’t your number one priority with a holiday greeting.

3. Create a Video

What better way to show your brand’s personality than to create a video? Your message should be who you are (as an organization and as a brand), not what you sell. Keep it light, be genuine, and tell your story.

4. Start a Promotion

Yes, everyone is doing it, and yes – you should too! A promotion is an opportunity to show prospective customers you understand them and come up with something of real value. I’m not talking about a free quote, or something you typically offer year ‘round. Identify something that interests your customers and is a true promotion – whether that is a discounted or free service –  it should be something that provides value to your customers. For example, you’ll see at the end of this article, the Sikich Marketing & Design team would like to offer a free keyword report that shows you how Google ranks your website for high value keywords.

5. Don’t Market Yourself

This may seem contradictory to everything I just wrote, but it’s an important strategy to keep in mind. Yes, all of the other tips are great for marketing yourself, but it’s also important to take the time out to think about your customer. They get so many emails, holiday cards, and advertisements thrown their way this time of year. Instead, do something they would appreciate – thank them. Send them a hand-written note thanking them for their business or simply wish them happy holidays if they’re a potential customer.

Enjoy this time of year!

To summarize – don’t overthink it, show some creativity and personality, and most of all have fun with your brand and your holiday marketing message.

Happy Holidays

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