Let Me Interject Series: GP to FO vs BC

Sick of the same old webinar formats with slide after slide of poorly formatted information, robotic presenters, and canned Q&A questions that simply highlight why you should buy the product or solution they’re trying to sell?

We are too!

Let Me Interject combines elements of popular sports and news programming, in a 30-minute, high-energy debate format. In this series, our expert panelists, Debbie Altham and Mike Loumeau, tackle everything you need to know about the future of Dynamics GP and migrating to Dynamics 365 Business Central versus Finance & Operations. Watch our episodes and learn essential information that will help you make an informed decision on which comprehensive solution is the most compatible for your organization. You will not be disappointed! Our lively panelists, Debbie Altham and Mike Loumeau, are highly opinionated Dynamics ERP experts that have been in the Microsoft channel for over 20 years, helping companies deliver bottom-line business value.

To instantly access the full videos, please follow this direct link.

E1: Is GP Here to Stay or Gone Tomorrow?

Find out what veteran Dynamics ERP experts have to say about the future of Dynamics GP, if End of Support really matters, if you should consider looking for solutions elsewhere, what’s the difference between the two Dynamics 365 solutions and what does it cost to implement.

E2: Is migrating from GP to D365 safe?

In this episode, Debbie Altham and Mike Loumeau tackle concerns about cloud safety, whether migrating from GP to Dynamics 365 is something you can handle “in-house” and tell-tale signs it’s time to look for a new Microsoft Partner.

E3: The Last ERP Solution You’ll Ever Have to Buy 

After positioning that the cloud really is a safe and viable option for GP users in episode two, Debbie and Mike talk through transitioning licenses, how updates work in Dynamics 365, and what role it plays in your Digital Transformation journey.
With hundreds of clients running their business on Dynamics GP, we hear these questions every day.

Here is a preview of of the first episode:

Watch the series on your desktop, laptop, or mobile device! You won’t want to miss any of these key episodes!

Access The Full Videos

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