The Power of Video: Why your company needs video marketing in 2020

Why your company needs video


  • Having more customers REACH out to you?
  • SELLING your products more easily?
  • Having your customers SHARE their favorite products online?
  • INCREASING brand engagement?


Use video!

Video provides the perfect platform for you to show the market who you are, and how you can deliver – a solution, product, or service. Your voice and your presence can greatly increase engagement with prospects, help build trust, and generate a genuine connection with your audience. Video can and should be entertaining as well as informative, so don’t be afraid to show your personality and tell your story.


  • HubSpot states 72% of customers would rather learn about a product by way of video.
  • Data from MarketingSherpa reveals video can increase website traffic by 200% and increase time on page.
  • Wordstream’s survey shows that 59% of executives would rather watch a video than read text.
  • Forrester Research shows just one minute of video is equal to 1.8 million words.

Your prospective customers are bombarded with information, and it’s challenging to break through the noise and command attention. Video makes it easy for your audience to understand you and the solution you offer.

Prospects will have a greater chance of remembering your message because they can see, hear, and read about your information all at one time. Statistics show that consumers prefer video content over reading and will watch almost anywhere – especially on their smart phones.  If they like what they see, they might even share your message with others. According to Twitter, a video Tweet is 6x more likely to be retweeted than a photo. What could 6x more engagement do for your brand?


Adding video to your marketing mix is easier than you think. Chances are, you are well-versed in your products and services, so let us help you share your passion and knowledge. Engaging a professional team to produce and shoot footage about your solution is both powerful and painless.

If you’re not using video, now is the perfect time to begin. Reach out to our team today to receive our brand-new Complimentary Video Strategy Session. We will review your current marketing mix and share at least three video ideas that will help your brand increase engagement.

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