SSL Certificates for Remote Desktop Gateways: Why Choose Thawte?

As companies strive to acquire top talent, decentralized, remote workforces are becoming more and more prevalent in today’s business world. One technology that can help facilitate remote work is a Remote Desktop Server environment. This environment, which often consists of multiple servers configured for load balancing, can be used by remote employees for accessing individual apps or full desktop environments. With the use of Microsoft Azure, this environment can live entirely in the cloud, removing the need for a company to host and maintain its own physical equipment in an office.

When discussing this type of cloud-hosted environment with clients, security is often a top concern. On top of some of the standard recommendations, such as good anti-virus and a properly configured gateway, we also recommend the use of an SSL certificate to secure the Remote Desktop Gateway. The RD Gateway is a service that runs on a server in an RD environment and handles client connections. By using an SSL certificate, connections to the RD Gateway are secured with encryption, preventing anyone from eavesdropping, and stealing account information.

SSL certificates must be purchased from third-party sellers. In order to be a seller of digitally signed trusted SSL certificates, the company must comply and be audited against security and authentication standards that are established by web browsers. There are many options to choose from when purchasing an SSL certificate. At Sikich, we recommended using Thawte as your provider.

Why Thawte for Remote Desktop SSL Certificates?

Unlike many of the other providers out there, digital certificates are the core of Thawte’s business. This is one of the reasons they can offer a full range of SSL products, including EV, OV, DV, Wildcard, and SAN SSL certificates. They are also the first international certificate authority, building up a customer base that spans 190 countries. This has led them to be a known and trusted name in online security. A known provider is an important factor when making a choice, especially if a certificate is being used in an eCommerce environment. Savvy customers appreciate seeing the use of a certificate from a name they’re familiar with.

While this post focused on the use of SSL certificates primarily to secure Remote Desktop Gateway’s, they have many other applications across the internet. If you need assistance with purchasing and deploying an SSL certificate for any purpose, don’t hesitate to reach out to Sikich. We can assist with the process from start to finish.

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