SBA Releases Identities of PPP Loan Borrowers

On July 6, 2020, the SBA released identifying information of the borrowers who took out a Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan. There was much uncertainty whether the names of the borrowers would be made public, and Congress and the Administration went back and forth on this matter. Nonetheless, an agreement was reached several weeks ago to release this information. For more information on this decision, please click here.

To assist you in finding the SBA’s resources, we have provided links to the following:

The SBA also issued a spreadsheet listing borrowers with PPP loans of over $150,000. It is a large file and can be accessed through the link above. For your reference, the borrowers are listed in the following loan ranges:

  • $5,000,000 – $10,000,000
  • $2,000,000 – $5,000,000
  • $1,000,000 – $2,000,000
  • $350,000 – $1,000,000
  • $150,000 – $350,000

Then within the range, the borrowers are listed alphabetically.

Finally, the column headings, and thus the information provided, on this PDF are as follows:

  • Loan Range; Business Name; Address; City, State, Zip; NAICS Code; Business Type; Race-Ethnicity; Gender; Veteran; Non-Profit; Jobs Retained; Date Approved; Lender; and CD

This information is now public record, and PPP borrowers should be aware of this. If interested, you can learn more about how your company can turn media inquiries about your loans into positive branding opportunities here.

Please contact your Sikich tax advisor with questions about the PPP loans.


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