Empower your Clients with Salesforce Experience Cloud

“An informed customer is a happy customer” is a phrase that businesses have tried to live up to in an ever-increasing way over the last few decades, especially given all the tools that allow for more immediate access to information. Salesforce has a strong reputation as a platform for allowing external users to self-serve when they need to (but still providing the necessary channels should they need additional resources). The new Salesforce Experience Cloud takes this to the next level, however, allowing for seamless personalization, workstreams, and engagement.

Curated Content for your Customers

Powered by their industry-leading artificial intelligence and machine learning solutions, Salesforce has added another layer to the simple presentation of information to customers. Imagine if the data you have amassed about all your customers could not only be aggregated internally to help you identify trends and make educated business decisions but could also be used at the micro level to make each individual customer feel a personal connection to your brand. With Experience Cloud, use a customer’s own profile to automatically suggest products, thought leadership, or what they can do next to get the most value out of their relationship with you.

Let your Customers Work for You

In addition to more intelligent suggestions, you can also choose to allow customers to initiate certain business processes on their own. If they still prefer to work with a representative instead, other channels can be available, but for those that prefer the independence to do things themselves, give them the freedom! Both B2B and B2C models can benefit from customers going through the steps on their own for submitting a request for an estimate, researching an issue or opening a support Case, or a process unique to your own company’s complex needs. Salesforce Experience Cloud allows you to save your own employees’ time so that they can focus more effort on solving the most challenging customer interactions!

Driving Engagement Amongst your Customers

With Experience Cloud, efficiencies do not stop at self-service. You have the flexibility and capability to design and construct a framework to determine which partners or customers qualify as experts within your field and allow them to represent you in assisting other customers as well. Discover your own ways to promote this type of behavior to extend your network of brand warriors far beyond the walls of your own company.

With so many different resources available to your customers that are presented in such a smart, digestible way, you are sure to see an improved perception of their own Client Experience!

If you would like to learn more about Salesforce Experience Cloud, please contact us today. Please also refer to our more comprehensive resource on the overall Client Experience for more info.

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