Control and Grow Your CRO Business With Sikich SuiteSuccess for CROs

We’ve written a few blog posts regarding how Sikich SuiteSuccess for CROs can completely transform the CRO business, such as with resource management and finance. However, these aren’t the only areas that SuiteSuccess can build and improve your CRO organization. Here are some other ways SuiteSuccess for CROs helps you control and build CRO business growth.


Because SuiteSuccess for CROs builds on the integration of NetSuite and OpenAir, process handoffs and data flows between the two systems are unimpeded. You have seamless transitions between forecasts, percentages of completion, invoicing, revenue recognition, and revenue reporting. We have created standardized system attributes that apply to practically every CRO. We combine these with the specific attributes in use by the CROs we work with to ensure that the integrated solution perfectly matches their actual operating requirements.


Close to 25% of CROs in a recent survey stated that limited collaborative capabilities in their clinical applications present a challenge. There is clearly a need to make data more easily available. Sikich has engineered SuiteSuccess for CROs to be configurable to your collaboration needs. You can securely share information and documents with clients and external contributors in dedicated, cloud-based workspaces.


Out-of-the-box reporting tools make it easier to manage your CRO’s compliance with regulatory mandates and industry or company-specific standards for information management and digital security. They also strengthen your management and control of finance, projects, performance, and operations, and help align business activities with KPIs and other metrics. Sikich experts can optimize your instance of SuiteSuccess for CRO and your existing databases to enable flawless compliance, unparalleled transparency, and painless audits.


When you deploy SuiteSuccess for CROs, you create a scalable, cloud-based software foundation that can grow and change as your business evolves and wins clients. If your company grows through mergers and acquisitions, the cloud gives you the flexibility to transition and modify business roles and processes, and you can securely provision new users with data and software tools that meet the needs of their roles. If you decide to contract with Sikich Managed Services, you can offload all these tasks of cloud and other technology management to accountable experts who will ensure strategic alignment and measurable progress toward your goals.


In SuiteSuccess for CROs, mobility, cloud, and transparency go hand-in-hand to enable a superior user experience. Business and project managers access information quickly and easily on their mobile devices. They take less time to review data and arrive at decisions. Users can also take advantage of the SuiteSuccess for CROs mobile app to view data and work with software capabilities on their own devices. At client sites, company locations, or in transit, you enter expense reports and project updates anytime, review hours and costs associated with a project, or assess a project’s progress to its next milestones, record and approve timesheets, and much more.

Ready to see how SuiteSuccess for CROs can help grow your CRO business? Please contact us at any time!

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