7 Reasons CROs Should Work with Sikich and SuiteSuccess for CROs

When you engage with Sikich to implement NetSuite and SuiteSuccess for CROs, you can rely on the industry and technical experience of a successful consultancy with many loyal, satisfied clients. We have seven reasons why contract research organizations (CROs) should work with us in regards to implementing NetSuite, especially with our SuiteSuccess for CROs configuration, a special NetSuite setup for CRO management software.

1. One Accountable, Experience Technology Partner

When we implement SuiteSuccess for CROs, you gain a single, complete business management solution that fits your company and aligns with your goals. You don’t have to be concerned with the foundational NetSuite and OpenAir software, nor about data migrations and integrations with laboratory information management systems and other software tools. Sikich takes care of all that for you.

2. Industry expertise and commitment

Sikich identified a need for specifically designed CRO management software during our many years of supporting life sciences companies. We decided to invest in what we felt was an underserved, extremely valuable industry when some software vendors were still reluctant to engage with CROs. Sikich speaks your language and can think and work alongside you as you advance your business.

One advantage of our industry experience is that we understand the motivations and business drivers of your clients, the life sciences companies. That can be a real asset when we work with you to deploy the right software or help you realign business processes.

3. Individualized approach

While we understand the typical challenges of the CRO business model, we also make sure to learn about your individual requirements and the unique value proposition of your company. We grow and evolve our own practice in every client engagement, and will listen carefully to what your practice leaders and stakeholders have to say.

4. Focus on results

Once we know what you want to accomplish, we provide a clear view of what we can do for you, how long it takes, and what exactly the project steps should be. Through our modeling, you get a realistic idea of how you may expect to save time and expenses, or how you can improve processes to be more efficient.

5. Improving operations

We make suggestions for process optimizations before we perform technical work, so you are not forced to keep any current productivity hurdles intact. Many clients begin an engagement with a Sikich business process alignment (BPA) before an actual software deployment.

6. Power to succeed

Many CROs may be relatively small companies, but their activities and requirements for software systems are usually complex, with dependencies and conditions not all vendors understand. Sikich has made an art of bringing enterprise-level software capabilities to smaller and fast-growing organizations—while working within their budgets and schedules, and meeting their expectations.

7. Lifetime support

Following a deployment of SuiteSuccess for CROs, you can continue to use a single source of expert support for the software products and their integrations. Sikich partners with you to support your technology management and planning ongoingly, in a proactive manner or in response to specific issues.


Sikich appreciates the life-changing impact of CROs. Our CRO clients have tested and validated pharmaceutical and medical products that can eventually benefit millions of people. We look forward to learning about your company and what you hope to accomplish.

Business-driven transformation.

As mentioned, a Sikich BPA is often the best, first step to prepare the outcomes you hope to accomplish. During a BPA, we apply our industry expertise and work with you to assess your processes. We identify inefficiencies, risks, user challenges, upcoming changes, and obstacles in the way of productive growth. We offer recommendations for changes that you can put into practice before you embark on a software project. Instead of managing the status quo with new technology, you can take the opportunity to transform the business for the better.

You can benefit from a Sikich BPA without investing in any follow-on engagement with us. Alternatively, we can use it to structure your software deployment.

Standardization for your industry.

When we implement SuiteSuccess for CROs, we incorporate industry-best practices and our insight into the CRO business model in your library of standardized business processes. We configure the solution to your specific business requirements, avoiding code customizations and their associated management complexities as much as we can.

Nondisruptive, user-focused deployment.

Implementations usually take several months. Depending on your priorities for functionality you want to bring to your business groups, we can phase them  instead of delivering the entire software environment at once. But, if you want to realize results quickly or a critical deadline looms, we find ways to accelerate your project and still keep it nondisruptive. For many CROs, we start with the crucial capabilities of project management and financials before adding more functionality.

Ready to get started on your journey with SuiteSuccess for CROs, Sikich’s handcrafted CRO management software setup for NetSuite? Please contact us at any time!

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