Removing an Attached Document from a Posted Transaction in Business Central

Business Central conveniently lets you attach documents to most transactions when they are being entered. You can then view any attachment at any time before and after posting them simply by finding the record via the Ledger Entries screens, Posted Invoice screens, etc. But what if you have made a mistake and attached the wrong document to a transaction that is now posted? While it’s entirely possible to remove the attachment from the posted document, it may not be as intuitive as many of the other Business Central features.

As we can see from the screenshot below, the Delete Line is grayed out and not able to be selected on a posted document. Many users hit this roadblock and aren’t sure what to do next.

incorrect attachment to posted transaction

Microsoft provides the following instructions, which require a bit more definition:

If the document is posted, then you must first remove the connection from the incoming document record.

  1. Choose the search icon icon, enter Incoming Documents, and then choose the related link.
  1. Select the line for an incoming document record connected to a posted document that you want to remove, and then choose the Remove Reference to Record

The connection to the posted document is removed. You can now proceed to connect another incoming document record to the posted document.

Keep reading for an enhanced step-by-step guide that provides the clarity that so many users need in order to delete an attachment from a posted document.

How to Remove Attachments in Business Central

The instructions below will guide you through the process of removing an attached document from a posted General Ledger transaction in Business Central.

Find the posted General Ledger document that you would like to delete the attachment.  From the fact box, ensure that you have Incoming Document Files selected and that your mouse is on the appropriate attachment. Click on the ellipses under Incoming Document Files and select “Incoming Document”:

select document

On the screen that opens, select Incoming Document→Remove Reference to Record:

how to remove incorrect attachment in Business Central

The link has now been removed that connected this document to the already posted transaction.

You can now navigate to the “Incoming Documents” list screen (via the global search field) to find and select the document you just unlinked from your posted transaction. Click Manage→Delete to remove it from the system:

remove attachment from system

If necessary, you can go back to the posted transaction and attach a different/correct document.

post correct attachment in Business Central

Have any questions about Dynamics 365 Business Central or how to remove attachments? Please reach out to our experts at any time!

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