Salesforce Summer Release 2022 – Slack and Salesforce

It is that time of year again! Salesforce has pushed out a new set of feature functionality in the latest Summer 2022 Release! As I reviewed through the Release Notes and Saleforce’s Trailhead on the New Release Highlights, it was clear to see that Slack has been front and center for quite a few of these release updates.

Sales Cloud for Slack

Sales Cloud for Slack is now available as an App in the AppExchange, and is most beneficial for Sales Teams and Executive Level Team Members. There are many benefits to having the direct sync between Slack and Salesforce, and we have listed out some of our favorite ones below.

Increased Visibility

Instant, and overall increased visibility on pipeline and opportunities, as Sales Team members will be able to update their Sales Pipeline directly in Slack, and Sales Team Leaders will be notified as they are updated.

Separate Opportunity Slack Channels

Sales Team Members can create separate Slack Channels directly related to specific Opportunities for more streamlined communications and collaboration between team members. These Channels can be Public or Private, and will help to eliminate any unnecessary back and forth between colleagues on Opportunity progress and status, as well as help eliminate the back and forth between the Salesforce and Slack programs.

If a Team Member creates a Channel around a specific Opportunity, each time the Opportunity Closed Date, Opportunity Amount, or Opportunity Stage, all members included in the Channel will receive a notification.

Opportunity Threshold Triggers

This new functionality will allow for Executive Level Team Members to be notified when an opportunity hits a certain dollar amount. Once that threshold is hit, it will trigger a notification via Slack to the Manager/Executive for visibility into the larger working opportunity. This helps those Executive Level Team Members easily navigate to those larger opportunities that they want to keep top of mind.

Opportunity Stage Triggers

This new functionality will allow for Executive Level Team Members to be notified when the opportunity gets Closed as Won in either Salesforce or within Slack itself. That Closed Won deal can then show up in another Channel that you can create and name, Deals-Won within Slack.

Swarming Feature for Slack

Another new Slack related enhancement from the Salesforce Summer 2022 Release is the Swarming feature.

Swarming is available in the Service Cloud for Slack App. Your Service Team can take advantage of this new functionality by downloading the Service Cloud for Slack App from the Slack App Directory. Below are some of the key benefits to this feature.

The Ability to Flag and Collaborate on High Priority Issues

Service Team Members can call attention to specific client issues that they need their colleagues’ assistance handling by clicking “Begin Swarming” from either a Slack Channel or within Salesforce.

Resourcing Assistance – Swarm Team Members

When beginning a “Swarm,” Slack will prompt the use with the following for resourcing the issue:

  • Expert Finder – To assist with resourcing based on Skill and Availability
  • Add Specific Team Member
  • Skip Adding Swarm Members for Now

Once the Service Member has selected a resource from their team, that resource will receive an invitation to accept the Swarm. They will only show up on the Swarm Members list if they accept the invitation. Service Teams can add additional Swarm Members to the Case if they need to bring in additional resources to help troubleshoot the issue. These new resources can be added directly from the Swarm Case Channel.

Slack Channels for Specific Swarm Cases

After a resource accepts a Swarm, Slack will bring the resource into the Swarm Channel for the Case. This is where the Service Team can collaborate on troubleshooting for their client.

These are just two examples of the new Slack and Salesforce functionality you can expect to see and take advantage of from the Summer 2022 Release. We understand that Sales and Service are top of mind for Salesforce Users, and these new Slack features will be helpful to streamline both Team’s collaboration and communication on a daily basis.

Have any questions about the Salesforce Summer 2022 Release or general questions about Salesforce and Slack? Please contact us at any time!

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