How to Set the Dynamics Advanced Find Feature: Modern vs. Legacy Advanced Find

Microsoft recently pushed an altered “Advanced Find” functionality to Dynamics as you noticed. It is called the “Modern Advanced Find.”

You can access it by clicking on the “search” box in the top middle of the screen, just underneath the ribbon. Then click “search for rows in a table using advanced filters.”

Googling some YouTube videos on how to use the “modern advanced find” would be beneficial. You can then decide whether you want to keep the “Modern Advanced Find” or revert to the “Legacy Advanced Find.”

However, a system admin can still use the “advanced find” you are familiar with.

  1. Click the gear in the ribbon.
  2. Click advanced settings.
    1. This changes the “area” to “settings” where the “legacy advanced find” still exists.
    2. legacy advanced find settings

It appears the “Modern Advanced Find” is the future, but honestly, I recommend that you hold off on the future till Microsoft updates it after getting some feedback from people. It adds complexity for users that have been using the legacy version. At some point the “Modern Advanced Find” will be the only advanced find an admin can select, but this will be in the future after a time I believe it receives some improvements to its user experience.

To hold off is simple, but only a system admin user can do it. Here’s how.

  1. Log into
  2. Click environments.
  3. Click the checkbox next to your environment (If you have more than one, pick your most applicable one).
  4. Click settings.
    select developer environment
  5. Expand product.
  6. Click features.
    developer environment settings for advanced find
  7. Scroll down to you see “Modern Advanced Find in model-driven apps.”
  8. Change the value from “Yes” to “No.”
    advanced find options
  9. Scroll down to the bottom.
  10. Click save.

Have any questions about how to toggle between the Modern vs. Legacy Advanced Find feature in Dynamics or anything about Dynamics in general? Please reach out to our team of experts at any time!

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