8 Modern Workplace Trends to Watch in 2023

As employee work habits and software tools evolve, so does the look of the modern workplace. Today, you can work anywhere, enabled by cloud technology and powerful collaboration and productivity technologies.

Here are 8 modern workplace trends to watch as we move into the new year.

1. Recruiting and hiring people—wherever you find them.

For those open to a hybrid in-person and remote team, or even a fully remote team, the possibilities for recruiting and hiring are wide open today. Companies are no longer bound by geography if the work they do is not dependent on a brick-and-mortar location. More employees are looking for that flexibility to avoid commutes, spend more time with family, and have flexible hours overall. McKinsey found that hybrid models are the most persistent trend in the wake of the pandemic.

It’s important to note that not all jobs can be done remotely, and some must be done in person or have been shown to have more impact when done in person. A 2020 McKinsey analysis of 2,000 tasks, 800 jobs, across nine countries found that, “more than half of the workforce, however, has little or no opportunity for remote work.”

Some companies have expressed concerns over the challenges presented by a remote or hybrid workforce, such as learning new ways to measure outcomes and boosting security, to name two.

2. Adapting by implementing multi-functional workspaces.

Instead of assigned seats at the office, more businesses are creating flexible spaces to accommodate hybrid workers that sometimes want a spot to work in person. They’re also leveraging technology to enable seamless collaboration between in-person and remote workers.

3. Leveraging software to drive greater collaboration.

In a traditional office, people interact at the proverbial watercooler or just jump into a conference room for a quick meeting. For remote workforces, today’s collaboration is defined by an interactive but secure experience online, on platforms such as Microsoft Teams and Office 365.

4. Embracing AI and smart machines as colleagues.

According to Gartner, the evolving workplace will require more comfort with robots, smart software and other AI-based devices to support their work and drive greater efficiencies and productivity through automation. “Extreme digital dexterity will ultimately be the modus operandi for how employees work,” a 2022 Gartner article said.

5. The rise of Augmented/Virtual/Mixed Reality.

More companies are embracing extended reality technology to augment training, enable repairs with remote support and improve the customer experience. For example, the Microsoft HoloLens mixed reality-based technology is enabling collaboration in the moment, from anywhere, on manufacturing floors, in medical settings and in engineering and construction. 

6. A greater focus on professional development.

In the midst of the Great Resignation, and a shortage of labor across industries, Learning and Development as part of a holistic HR strategy has become critical to attracting and retaining employees. A 2022 LinkedIn report found that L&D is now a more strategic function in organizations, with some companies even naming Chief Learning Officers.

7. Saying goodbye to legacy server and telephony infrastructures and embracing the cloud.

This allows companies to simplify technology management and reduces costs. It’s easier to onboard and provision new team members, increases security, and supports the recruitment and retention of talented people, wherever they live.

8. Outsourcing to experts for security and technology support.

An partner such as Sikich can help set your team up with the right tools to work together. We can also help you form a strategy that helps you get the most from technology as you grow. For example, leveraging Sikich’s managed IT services, and getting the benefits of an IT audit that includes vulnerability scanning, MSSP, penetration testing, network security, and more.

If your team has gone hybrid or fully remote, contact Sikich or schedule a consultation to learn about the right tools for your workforce.

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