6 IT Trends Managed Services Providers Will Support in 2023

This year, businesses must continue to be flexible and willing to adapt to new technologies amid changing customer and employee expectations. Unfortunately, most companies’ internal IT teams don’t have the time or expertise to manage this rapid pace of change while also keeping systems up to date to proactively handle security. Sikich Managed IT Services augments your internal IT team so that your team can focus on the big picture. The Sikich managed services providers bring a mix of industry experience and stay ahead of technology trends, such as AI and robotic process automation.

The need for quality IT services has never been more critical. Gartner analysts are forecasting worldwide IT Services spending to grow 7.9% in 2023, a projected total of $1.3 billion. That growth includes maintaining technologies and new spending on cloud infrastructure and applications.

This growth shows just how valuable managed services have become. In 2023, the right provider for Managed Services (MSP) and Managed Security Services (MSSP) can lighten the load for businesses while they grow. At least one study found that cloud managed services for IT will grow by 50% over the next five years, with managed service providers experiencing a 56% surge.

Here is our list of six IT trends that MSPs and MSSPs will support in 2023.

1. A Growing Focus on Cybersecurity

The average cost of a data breach in the U.S., according to IBM, is reaching $9.44 million.

“For 83% of companies, it’s not if a data breach will happen, but when,” the annual IBM “Cost of a Data Breach” 2022 report says. “Usually more than once. When detecting, responding to and recovering from threats, faster is better. Organizations using AI and automation had a 74-day shorter breach lifecycle and saved an average of $3 million more than those without.”

Cybersecurity is top of mind for most businesses today, and that focus is likely to continue to grow this year. Cybercrime includes phishing, malware, ransomware, insider threats and more. The rise of remote and hybrid work has created security gaps. Create a cybersecurity plan for your business, from developing the initial framework and ensuring compliance to communication and training for your team.

Rather than gamble, partner with a MSSP like Sikich to conduct a risk assessment to determine which areas of the business need remedial action. From there, we create a roadmap. Partnering with MSSPs also provides you with ongoing support to monitor security and keep systems up to date.

2. Migrating to the Cloud

Migrating to the cloud has become less of an “if” and more of a “when.” The pandemic pushed some companies over the edge to cloud ERP when it was clear that it would be easier to be more agile when applications and data were hosted in the cloud.

Other reasons companies are running to the cloud include the desire for systems to keep pace with company growth; additional functionality to meet current and future business needs; and the need to streamline operations and reduce costs.

A Managed Service Provider can assist with a cloud migration and the maintenance of cloud applications to ensure you’re getting the most from them. Learn more about cloud ERP solutions.

3. Networks Dependent on the Cloud

According to NetworkWorld, the cloud and dependence on the Internet has changed everything about how IT teams are managing their networks. “We’re changing how we distribute and deliver business value via networking, and so network technology will inevitably change, too,” the publication says. Look for a focus on improving internet latency, as well as virtual networking and an ongoing move to the cloud for security tools in 2023.

Your IT department may not have the time, resources or expertise to fully monitor and optimize your network. Allocating this task to an MSP ensures everything operates smoothly, reducing operational hang-ups and improving productivity.

4. Customers Demanding Omnichannel

A 2022 McKinsey report found that growth will hinge on embracing the omnichannel expectations of customers. Omnichannel connects all systems and channels seamlessly, meaning a customer can move from one sales channel (such as ecommerce) to the next (such as a field sales rep) and feel little disruption. To build an omnichannel environment, you need data to flow freely within your organization, eliminating silos and enhancing analytical insights.

Successfully connecting your systems to deliver this is a huge task—one that many businesses struggle to accomplish without the help of a trusted IT partner.

5. Rise in Remote and Hybrid Workplaces

Remote and hybrid work have their fair share of pros and cons, but companies are increasingly embracing the option for their teams.

According to Accenture, nearly two-thirds of high-revenue growth companies are allowing hybrid work, with team members working both in and outside of the office. The growing demand for that option means that your company must enable productivity and collaboration between employees, no matter where they work. And you must adapt your systems to protect them against cybersecurity risks.

Sikich’s Modern Workplace services is at the forefront of helping organizations rethink and modernize their working environments through the cloud and new communications technologies.

6. Empowering Employees with Low-Code Technology

New tools are emerging everyday that can help you save time, boost productivity, cut costs and improve the customer experience. These tools are all based on low-code development, which allows almost anyone to create and deliver applications without extensive knowledge of coding.

They do this through prebuilt templates, drag-and-drop functionality, and quick deployment. The idea is that anyone can build a dashboard or develop an app to solve a challenge.

An MSP can work with you to determine which innovative tools and technologies—such as low-code/no-code application development with Power Platform, AI-powered automation or collaboration tools—fit your needs best. To get the most from these programs, they require support by your IT team or technology partner.

The Pros of Partnering with a Managed Service Provider

If you’re hesitant to outsource your evolving IT needs to a Managed Services Provider or Managed Security Services Provider, consider the wins:

  • Stay on top of trends, despite the labor shortage.
  • Gain access to specialized skills and knowledge.
  • Improve operational workflows and processes.
  • Reduce the burden on your IT team.
  • Shore up your security.

Want to learn more? Reach out today.

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