Thumbprints Now Fingerprints – SSL Certificate Changes

For years and years of installing and renewing SSL certificates on servers and firewalls, at the end of the day I would also go look and make sure the thumbprint of the SSL certificate matched up to what you expected it to be along with documenting the thumbprint for others.

ssl certification

In my most recent SSL certificate deployment, I went to do just that, and my browsers of choice (Chrome and Edge) both failed me when going to inspect the freshly installed SSL certificate. There simply is no parameter of a thumbprint any longer. In its place are a SHA256 Fingerprint and a SHA1 Fingerprint.

SSL certificate fingerprint

Note: I’m not implying I installed IBM’s certificate. This is just a sample view of what is shown when inspecting an SSL certificate now in an HTML5 browser.

So, what’s happened? Are these the same thing but just different labels?

As it has been referenced for years and years, a thumbprint is 20 pairs of hexadecimal values. This is simply a hash of what the certificate itself was. No other certificate should have this same value. This matches up to what is now referred to as a SHA1 fingerprint. In fact, even looking at the screen shot from above, the Thumbprint algorithm reports as SHA1.

So now we have transitioned to certificates reporting two values for a thumbprint or fingerprint. The SHA1 value is the same as the traditional thumbprint and the SHA256 is based on the SHA2 standard. The SHA2 fingerprint is 32 pairs of hexadecimal values, giving a unique representation of what the certificate itself is.

Unfortunately, there weren’t enough fathers in the room advocating for the potential dad joke when coming up with labeling. Who has two thumbprints and a certificate? This guy.

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