NetSuite Beyond Go-Live: Navigating Life After ERP Implementation

So, your organization has successfully navigated the waters of preparing for and implementing NetSuite. You’re now on your way to increasing productivity and lowering costs throughout your organization, right?

The truth is that the journey doesn’t end when the system goes live. In fact, that’s just the beginning.

To maximize the value of your NetSuite ERP system, you need to capitalize on its full potential, both in the short term and as the cloud-based platform evolves. Here are five strategies to help you maximize your NetSuite investment post-implementation.

5 Ways to Make the Most of NetSuite After Go-Live

1. Watch and Learn

Think back to the reasons you wanted to adopt a new ERP system in the first place. What outcomes were you hoping to gain from this technology investment? Better reporting data? More efficient processes?

Once you have those desired results front of mind, and after you’ve let the ERP solution do its thing for a while, it’s time to observe and assess the system’s impact. Are the intended benefits being realized?

To get a true gauge of the success (or lack thereof) of your new NetSuite ERP system, make sure you’ve established a performance measurement framework with strategic key performance indicators (KPIs).

A key benefit of ERP solutions is their ability to collect actionable data to help your team be more productive and streamlined. It makes sense then that you’d have quantitative metrics by which to measure your solution’s effectiveness.

Your NetSuite ERP system should improve your organization’s performance and run without interruptions, and by monitoring KPIs, you’ll be able to determine whether it’s driving the desired outcomes.

2. Stay Up to Date

Twice a year, NetSuite releases updates with new features and functionalities that can significantly improve your system’s capabilities. In addition to new features, these updates may also entail bug fixes and important changes to things like tax code requirements.

Because the platform is cloud-based, updates are scheduled and pushed to users automatically, which is a major advantage compared to on-premises solutions. But this means you must stay current with these updates, confirming they won’t mess with any customizations, integrations, or other functionalities within your system.

By staying aware of upcoming releases and testing them to confirm they won’t interfere with your current system, you’ll be better equipped to ensure they align with your business goals, continuously enhancing your ERP experience.

3. Be Proactive

Again, the NetSuite platform is always evolving with new functionalities and features to help optimize your organization’s performance.

To allow for a seamless integration, assess these new updates before they’re released and be proactive in creating a plan for their adoption. This plan should also include thorough training for your team so they can leverage the updates effectively.

System updates aside, anticipating potential change requests or complaints post-go-live can help you address issues promptly.

After ERP implementation, it’s not uncommon for teams and stakeholders to request to reevaluate decisions that were made to enhance security or control on the shop floor. The problem here is that these desired changes or automations could inadvertently bring back the inefficiencies of your legacy system.

Understanding and anticipating the difference between valuable configurations and overcomplicated processes requires careful discernment, and striking the right balance is crucial.

Remember, in the realm of ERP, the proactive approach beats the reactive one every time.

4. Train and Support Your Team

A powerful ERP system is only as effective as the people using it. Offering comprehensive training and ongoing support to your team is crucial for making the most of your NetSuite investment.

As your business landscape evolves and technology advances, regular training keeps your team updated on the latest features, functionalities, and best practices. This boosts system adoption and proficiency, leading to increased productivity and better utilization of its capabilities.

Ongoing training also fosters user confidence, minimizes errors, and maximizes operational efficiency so you can unlock the ROI you hoped for by adopting your NetSuite ERP system.

In addition to training, working with a third-party ERP consultant like Sikich provides access to expert advice, day-to-day support, and regular strategic reviews, helping you make the most of your NetSuite investment even as your business evolves.

5. Improve Continuously and Strategically

As part of your post-support activities, establish a business process improvement plan. Use your ERP’s data and insights to identify areas that need enhancement. This could involve streamlining workflows, optimizing resource allocation, or even reimagining certain processes entirely.

Keep in mind, however, that changes or enhancements should be purposeful, align with your business’s overall trajectory rather than catering solely to individual preferences, and gain buy-in from all relevant departments and team members.

This practice becomes even more crucial if your ERP system integrates with other platforms, as changes must avoid inadvertently disrupting interconnected functionalities. Depending on your business size, establishing a dedicated steering committee or coordinating individuals can prevent conflicting changes between departments.

Remember, you invested in NetSuite to help your organization grow profitably. Deliberate, data-driven improvements are your key to unlocking that growth potential.

Sikich Is There, From Planning to Post-Implementation

As you transition from the go-live phase to the post-implementation, remember that the true power of your NetSuite ERP system lies in how well you leverage it. Your ERP journey is ongoing, and the more you optimize it, the more it will empower your organization to achieve its goals and drive sustained success.

If you need a little help along the way, Sikich has extensive functional and industry expertise, supporting hundreds of businesses seeking to enhance productivity and lower costs with NetSuite. As one of the top three NetSuite Partners in the world, we’re dedicated to making a vital contribution to your organization.

We’ll be by your side every step of the way, from initial planning to go-live and beyond. Contact our team today to start making the most of life after implementation.

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