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Solutions for regulated life sciences and QMS

Sikich IT Quality & Compliance services help life sciences clients assess and validate applications, aligning them with applicable internal and regulatory requirements.

ITQ&C Services and Capabilities Include:

  • SAP/Oracle/Dynamics ERP Validation
  • Various EDMS & LMS Applications Validation
  • Lab/Instrument & MES Validation
  • Data Integrity Assessments (DIA)
  • GXP & ERES Assessments
  • GXP/CBT/ELearning Training & Content Development
  • GXP Procedure Simplification & Authoring
  • Data Archive, Migration, Extraction Validation


Keeping Your Digital Ecosystems Compliant

Compliance as a Service (CAAS) is a program structured to handle all aspects of your IT Quality & Compliance needs. Sikich CaaS provides clients with a one-stop-solution that mitigates resource-related risk, and can be easily customized to meet unique and specific organizational challenges. As the digital landscape and regulated industries evolve in tandem, our team has a responsibility to keep innovating and adapting right alongside them. We’ve designed a new, more versatile IT Quality & Compliance service offering for our clients.

Benefits of CAAS: reduce costs, re-prioritize critical applications, count on skilled resources, get ahead or provide support to finalize initiatives in queue, supplement and refocus

Learn How Sikich RQ&C can support your teams and systems

Digital transformation in regulated industries require unique planning and structure. Sikich’s RQ&C team is well-versed in your world and is ready to help you achieve your goals.