
A strong digital presence is essential when aiming to reach and engage with customers. Whether you need a website that showcases your brand and value proposition, a digital ad strategy that builds interest, or an email marketing campaign that drives conversions, The Agency at Sikich can help leverage the power of digital platforms to achieve your goals. Our team of digital experts works with you to understand your business, audience and objectives, and then creates and executes a customized digital plan based on your needs and budget

Web Design & Development

The first touchpoint in establishing your business and brand online is often your website. Your website is where you have full control over how you communicate about your brand and services through messaging and design choices.

At The Agency at Sikich, we develop websites based on three core pillars: content, user experience and technology.

  1. Content: The foundation of any effective website begins with content. This messaging is your unique opportunity to educate, start a conversation and deepen a relationship with your target audience. A well-defined and structured content model based on your organization’s areas of expertise lays the groundwork for sites that can effortlessly adapt as your organization evolves.
  2. User experience: Evoke an emotional response from users that visit your site through meaningful brand design elements, like fonts, colors and logos, and logical site navigation. By creating a personality for your brand that reflects your mission and values, you’re carefully crafting a holistic user experience that keeps visitors on your page.
  3. Technology: Behind the scenes, we focus on security, stability, performance, accessibility and searchability. This work ensures your site consistently loads quickly and performs well across devices. Our team works with you to recommend web-based communication tools, like customer service chat and contact forms, and interactive elements that give users the ability to experiment with your products.

Website Maintenance & Improvement

Websites are complex structures that require routine checkups and upgrades to continue at peak performance. The Agency at Sikich is a proactive partner in your website’s stability and performance, as we continuously monitor your site’s health. From network, server, code and data collection to watching for outages, errors and security threats, our team efficiently investigates and addresses issues – often before you even notice. By preemptively ensuring your site has frequent backups and your code and platform are routinely updated, you can be confident in the stability of your online presence.

Our work doesn’t stop there. We design websites that easily expand and accommodate a growing number of visitors, ultimately amplifying reach and increasing sales. This requires ongoing examination of your website so we can identify issues and make upgrades based on data. We examine all facets of your website and identify areas of improvement, including:

  • Changes to keywords that could improve search ranking
  • Specific web pages that might be getting lost or abandoned
  • Underutilized tools and low-traffic content
  • Code errors and accessibility issues that may affect site experience

Search Engine Optimization

Maximize visitors to your website through search engine marketing and optimization. Organic search can account for over half of a website’s visitors. So, it’s a great place to start if you are looking to boost traffic. Researching the performance of your site and comparing it to leading competitors allows us to identify strengths and opportunities that already exist within your content and build out a plan that improves your search rankings.

Optimization starts with evaluating the following:

  • Content, keywords and depth of information
  • Page speed and site health
  • Linking and connectedness
  • Usability across devices and screen sizes

Optimizing your site beyond organic search may include the addition of paid digital advertising on search platforms. A paid effort can help you get in front of new potential customers, increase your visibility for highly competitive search terms, and allow you to test content with customers.

Email Marketing

Whether you need to reengage existing customers or help remind a user that they left an item in their shopping cart, email marketing can help you advance conversations. We’ll help you connect with your target audience by identifying gaps in your current customer and prospect communication. By creating an email marketing program that helps you welcome, engage, inform and covert subscribers, we’ll position your brand optimally and set a positive tone for ongoing communication.

Our marketers will help keep your brand top of mind and reinforce your expertise through strategic email communication at a regular cadence. We’ll analyze email marketing data such as open rates and unsubscribes and finesse our ongoing efforts to ensure your emails never fall flat.

Digital Advertising

The Agency at Sikich works to develop digital advertising strategies rooted in an understanding of your brand and your customers’ expectations.

Our recommendations are custom and depend on a variety of factors, including your customers’ needs and your brand’s story. We drive engagement by telling your brand’s story with the right message and design components – and then activating that creative across channels. We work closely with you and analyze your data to uncover the right ways to maximize customer interest.

Measurement & Analytics

Marketers must uncover insights and prove the effectiveness of their efforts by compiling and analyzing data from across channels. We monitor campaign results closely and use those results to inform go-forward strategies. We work with you to establish KPIs and then track progress against those KPIs. And we make sure you have easy access to the analytics that drive business decisions so you can track your marketing results alongside our team in real time.

When you work with The Agency, you gain access to the power of Sikich, which includes cybersecurity and data and analytics teams. These teams can help you connect data and address issues that extend beyond your website and digital marketing to other systems.