Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance & Supply Chain Management BYODB in Tier 1 Dev VM

We are going to be looking at how to set up a build-your-own-database (BYODB) in your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain Management (D365 FSCM) cloud hosted tier 1 development VM.

First, go to SSMS and create a new database, VMBYODB.

create a new database in D365 FSCM

Then, under Security > Logins, choose to create a new user, byodbadmin. Note the password here as it will be needed later.

create a new user

Right click this user and select properties. Navigate to User Mapping > VMBYDOB and set the user to have the db_owner role. Additionally, under Server Roles include serveradmin.

select user roles for new BYODB user

Next, open up the D365 front end and navigate to the Data Management Workspace. From here select the “Configure entity export to database” tile.

data management tile

Create a new record, VMBYODB. Enter the connection string in the following format:

Data Source=serverName;Initial Catalog=databaseName;Integrated Security=False;User ID=userid;Password=***

Make sure to validate the connection after entering the connection string.

validate connection in VMBYODB

After the connection is valid, select “Publish.” Here we can choose which entities we want to publish to our BYODB database. I selected the Customer groups entity and clicked “Publish.” This kicked off a batch process, which when complete, we can see the entity marked as published here.

publish the entity

At this time we can also head back to SSMS and confirm the entity’s staging table is now visible in our VMBYODB database. However, data has not yet been exported so this table contains no records.

staging table in D365 FSCM BYODB

To populate our table with data, we need to run an export job. We can set our export job up with the target data format set to our BYODB connection like so:

VMDOYDB customer groups

Then we can run the export job as normal, and upon completion our tables in the VMBYODB database will be populated with our data! We can then set up our export jobs on a recurrence to refresh the data at our desired cadence.

For more D365 F&SCM expert advice, contact us today.

Post originally published here:

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