Microsoft Dynamics 365 – Recurring Tier1 Backup to Azure Storage Account

This article will give a quick description for how to set up recurring Dynamics 365 SQL DB backups from a Tier 1 environment to an Azure storage account.

Sign in to your Tier 1 environment and run SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) as Admin. Connect to your server.

sign in to your Tier 1 environment

Right click the AxDB data base and select Tasks > Back Up…

select Tasks > Back Up...

Keep the source information the same, and set the destination information to back up to “URL.” Click “Add.”

set destination information

Select “New container.”

  1. You will be prompted to log into your Microsoft account with the Azure storage container you wish to send the backup to.
  2. In the drop-down, select the storage account followed by the blob container
select New Container

Click “Create Credential.”

  1. This will generate a Shared Access Signature.
  2. Click “OK.”
Create Credential

Click “OK” again, and you will see your URL in the destination block.

Optional: Under “Backup Options” change “Set backup compression” to “Compress backup.”

compress backup

Under the “General” tab, select the “Script” drop-down. Choose “Script Action to Job.”

Choose Script Action to Job

On the left-hand side, click “Schedules.”

  1. Then click “New.”
  2. Rename the schedule to “Daily.”
  3. Set the occurrence to “Daily.”
  4. Set the desired time for the backup to occur. Here I will set it to run each day at 9:00 PM. This will use the time of the local machine.
  5. Click “OK.”
set schedules for backup

Click “OK.” You should see in the bottom left-hand corner that “Scripting completed successfully.” Click “OK.” This will execute the job. We are not done with our configurations, but a backup will be taken at this time and placed on the Azure storage account container you selected.

scripting completed successfully

After clicking “OK” you should see that the backup successfully completed.

Backup successful

On the right-hand side, under “Jobs,” find your job “Back Up Database – AxDB.”

  1. Right click and choose properties.
  2. Ensure your SQL Server Agent is running. (See optional step below to automate this process.)
ensure SQL Server Agent

Click “Steps” in the left-hand column. Then click “Edit.”

Edit Steps in database
  •  Here you can see the SQL command being executed. We will need to update this to ensure that file names are unique. We will do this by appending date-time information to it.
  • Here is an example of the updated SQL call with a date-time stamp appended to the end. Update the URL with your correct path.
    1. DECLARE  @FileLoc NVarchar(100) = CONCAT(‘https://<YOURURL>/axdb_backup_’,format(getdate(),’yyyyMMddHHmmssffff’),’.bak’)

Click “OK” to save the changes.

SQL call with a date time stamp appended to the end.

Now we will wait for our job to run. After it does (on a schedule or manually), we can go to the Azure portal storage account and look for our backup.

Azure portal storage with backup


Using the jobs properties, we can configure alerts for failures. This way we can get emails if an issue occurs. This config is out of the scope of this document but is handy to know that there are options available here. SSMS jobs also provide additional logging of previous runs, to help debug possible issues.

configure alerts for backup figures


In the Azure portal, we can select the storage account we are interested in sending on backups too.

From the left-hand side, select “Lifecycle management” then click “Add rule.”

add rule to lifecycle management

Name your rule “RetentionPeriod” and click “Next.”

name the rule "Retention Period"

Set the number of days to keep a blob before deleting it.

set the number of days to keep a blob

This is a quick and useful way to avoid keeping every back up file.


Set the SQL Server Agent to start automatically to avoid needing to manually start the service after an environment restart.

set the SQL Server Agent to start automatically

For more D365 expert advice, contact us today.

Post originally published

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