Now That You’ve Closed… How Can You Speed up Integration and Financial Reporting?

When the traditional approach of acquiring a company can take a year (or more) to wrap your head around and get moving, the adage “time is money” is never truer. And time – well, that’s a luxury many firms can’t afford. Thankfully, there are some savvy strategies to speed up this process and ensure you’re not missing out on any opportunities for growth and profit.

Understanding What You’ve Bought

Many companies, especially those in the middle market, unfortunately aren’t exactly experts at providing all the details you need to make an informed decision. And, yes, while you did the due diligence, there is still discovery as you begin to integrate a new company or work with new professionals. This can drag out the entire understanding and integration phases and delay any improvements you want to make.

But fear not! You can sidestep this roadblock by tapping into specialized services like business process outsourcing (BPO) for finance, human capital and accounting. By outsourcing these operational tasks to seasoned pros, you have access to top-notch financial information on a regular basis. This means you can hit the ground running with your plans to boost the company’s performance.

Outsourcing doesn’t just speed up the transition process; it also makes post-acquisition integration a whole lot smoother. With the right partner, you can set up a playbook that guides you through every step of the process, from day one to ongoing compliance work. This saves you a ton of time and resources that you can then put towards more strategic initiatives (free time? Unheard of!).

And let’s talk about the learning curve. When you outsource, you’re bringing in experts who already know the ins and outs of your industry and the intricacies of M&A. That means no more wasting time trying to get your in-house team up to speed or marching to the PE drumbeat – you can dive right in and start making progress from day one.

How Do I Shave off Time on the Acquisition Process?

With a traditional hold period lasting between five to seven years, every day matters. Make sure you team up with seasoned transaction advisors to be on the fast track to getting all the info you need, pronto. Here’s a rundown of the outsourced services that could help you turbocharge your return on investment:

  • Accounting and Finance Services: Specialized accounting pros ensure everything’s shipshape and delivered on time, eliminating delays in financial statements. These professionals can also scale your department to match the organization’s growth goals.
  • Business Transformation: Hit the ground running post-acquisition, from setting strategic goals to revamping processes or integrating new technology. Transformation experts guide your team through business changes, keeping everyone focused on the big picture.
  • Human Capital: Human capital services are the organizational nitty-gritty most business leaders don’t have the time to manage. This can cover restructuring for synergy, streamlining processes, and cutting costs by harmonizing redundant programs or systems.
  • Tax: Tax specialists make sure you’re compliant and ready to roll with everything from intricate tax structures to purchase price adjustments.

By outsourcing key tasks like accounting, business transformation, human capital management and tax, you can streamline the entire acquisition process and get to the good stuff – maximizing your return on investment – much faster. So don’t waste any more time trying to go it alone. Partner with trusted transaction advisors and other experts to supercharge your acquisitions and set yourself up for success in today’s market. After all, time’s ticking – and you don’t want to be left behind. With Sikich’s outsourced services, you’ll be speeding toward success in no time.

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