Working with Millennials

By 2020, Millennials will account for about 45% of the workforce in the US. Different generations seem to have various opinions about millennials because some may not necessarily possess the traditional approach to the work environment as in previous generations.Despite some criticism, how does a firm work with millennials to make sure they provide as many open doors for them as possible? Employers will need to understand them, learn a little bit about who they are and what they need in a workplace culture.  

Millennials were brought up in the age of the internet, social media and constantly evolving technologies. They like instant information at their fingertips.

Not all communication needs to be face to face and not every topic needs a meeting request.  In most cases, connecting through email, text, a quick stop at their desk or even an instant message will be enough. 

Millennials find it hard to understand the saying, “it’s always been done that way.”

Poll them, get their opinions and ask them questions. How can we evolve our practice and culture? Millennials are creative and have great ideas. They are comfortable with diverse groups of people. With that, they will be able to provide a fresh perspective on how a firm can better operate whether it be flexible/remote work schedules, casual dress codes or healthy amounts of paid time off.  As an employer, it’s important to understand the market place and to know what perks the competition is offering to this incoming work force. Staying competitive with these types of incentives will help attract the best and newest talent.  

Millennials may like consistent praise.

Don’t be afraid to pour on the praise. At times, we all need a “thank you.” Millennials just may happen to need it a bit more often. This helps reinforce that they are doing a good job.   

Millennials want structure. In the work environment, they need to have a very organized schedule.

Give them checklists, offer to help, reward them for taking risks, engage them with feedback, provide them with mentors and create a team oriented culture.  

Not every millennial will fit this description of course, but being mindful of this growing new generation will help keep us all ahead of the game. Strong firms will put themselves in a better position to attract, engage and retain employees by understanding and knowing what drives this generation, instead of giving up on them so quickly.  

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