How 4 Resources Can Keep You Updated on Employment Laws

Anyone handling human resources (HR) today is faced with an ever-changing landscape of federal, state and even local employment laws. Cutting through this clutter is a daunting task for even the most diligent HR professional who takes the precious time necessary to read his/her professional journals and attend seminars. In additional to doing their own professional development and reading, we encourage anyone who has HR responsibilities at any level to identify a trusted adviser as a resource and guide—someone who makes it his/her business to stay current.

Who are some of these people?

  • Law firms specializing in employment law can be a valuable resource in articulating the legal ramifications of the laws on the books today, as well as what’s on the horizon. Fees for this type of periodic support may not be in an organization’s budget, though.
  • HR consulting practices, while not attorneys, typically help their clients understand the basics of the law as commonly accepted. These individuals also bring experience related to the practical side of human resources, and what the pluses and minuses might be of an organization’s particular course of action.
  • Professional colleagues can provide a strong informational network with the caution that they’re probably facing the same challenges in keeping up-to-date as you might be.
  • Local or national HR groups can be helpful in gaining a general understanding of what is current in compliance. Some of these groups may also have resources available for members that can be useful, and most have regular meetings focusing on topics on interest.

Is one type of trusted adviser better than another? Not necessarily, and in some situations, a combination of resources is advisable.

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