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Multi-State Tax Advisor Services to Keep you Competitive

To stay competitive in the marketplace, companies need to search for new opportunities wherever they may arise – near or far. In fact, geography is hardly ever considered when selling products or engaging new vendors. However, it’s important to remember that when transactions occur across state lines, there are income, franchise, or sales and use tax issues that may affect your business. In our experience, most businesses are unaware of the state and local tax requirements and liabilities that cross-state transactions can create. For this reason, we help companies identify, document and address the liabilities that may impact them. It’s critical to stay ahead of these issues to limit your risk of a state tax audit.

Sikich works with companies across the country to address state and local tax planning and compliance concerns. Our state and local tax services team can guide your business through a state tax audit or conduct a proactive assessment to make you aware of unaddressed liabilities that could trigger an audit. We advise companies in a variety of situations including: nexus determination for franchise and income tax, sales and use tax matters, and transactional tax issues. 

Constantly changing state and local tax laws and regulations pose a number of challenges for business owners. Rather than try to solve an issue after it happens, Sikich proactively monitors judicial, legislative, and regulatory activity to stay ahead of state and local tax changes that could affect your business.