In today’s environment, government officials are asked to do more with less every single day. Constituents demand a higher level of accountability from their state and local government officers, as well as access to transparent and readily-available information. Balancing these demands, along with complex budgets and changing regulations, may pose a true challenge.

Regardless of which type of organization you represent, from state and city municipalities, to park districts and community colleges, meet your goals and keep your constituencies informed with accounting, technology and advisory services from Sikich.

Our Focused Solutions

Improve your business model

Get better information in a more timely, efficient and cost-effective manner through business process outsourcing with Sikich.

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Ensure Security and Compliance

We safegaurd your organization before a breach happens and help you respond to a breach if one occurs.

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Modernize Government Technology

Transform pen-and-paper processes with digital workflows, robust reporting and analytics, and streamlined resource management.

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Manage Pension Funds Efficiently

From accounting and reporting to pensioner and vendor payments, we can assist you with your police and fire pension fund needs.

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Meet Financial Reporting Demands

Improve operational practices and ensure financial accuracy with single and yellow book audit services from Sikich.

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Recruit Top Talent

Retaining a well-balanced workforce can be difficult. Our Human Capital team is fully equipped to help address all of your HR and workforce challenges.

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Prevent or Investigate Fraud

Our Forensics & Valuation team specializes in internal and school district fraud investigations and prevention, as well as inspector general services.

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Premier Professional Services to Advise Government Entities

Sikich has an established reputation as a premier provider of professional services to governmental entities throughout the nation. The high regard in which our clients hold us is due to three crucial service commitments that we bring to each engagement: a highly skilled and experienced staff and management team dedicated to government services; an in-depth understanding of the governmental fiscal, management, operating and regulatory environments; and timely and cost-effective service delivery.

Regardless of your budgetary constraints, the different – and at times – conflicting demands of multiple constituencies, or the implementation schedules of new regulations, our government services team provides a full range of high quality, timely services to ensure you meet your goals.