30 Ways B2B Companies Can Use Social Media: Part 3

For the last two months, we’ve presented a total of 20 ways accountants and business consultants can use social media to connect with a variety of audiences. In this last part of the series, we offer 10 final thoughts on social media tactics. So without further adieu…

  1. Blog about… a challenge that one of your clients had, and how you solved their problem. Be sure to write about the actual results, as that is what potential clients will want to see.
  2. Pin your vlogs from YouTube onto Pinterest. By posting your videos on other social channels, especially Pinterest, you will likely increase your search engine optimization (SEO)—and it only takes a few minutes!
  3. Consider SEO value for Facebook. Although you can’t use hashtags like on Twitter, the content you publish on this other channel is still available online, which means that it is searchable. Try to use the keywords that truly matter to your content.
  4. Place your social media icons everywhere—from email signatures and newsletters to your website and other marketing collateral. Every place you can insert a linked icon increases your chance of greater followership and participation.
  5. Host a Tweet Chat with experts at your company or team up with others in your industry. If you’re coming up on tax season, for example, have a couple experts on hand to answer tax questions from Twitter followers during a set time.
  6. Blog about… a book you just read that is relevant to your industry. Just like product reviews, people want to hear reviews on literature as well.
  7. Post interesting images to Facebook that others can share. Infographics are prime examples of this—they are visually stimulating (so people like to share them), yet they also demonstrate that you are an expert in your field by providing valuable information.
  8. Post event presentations to SlideShare, including contact information for the speaker/presenter. This allows potential clients to get in touch with your company for more information.
  9. They aren’t only for Twitter—use hashtags on Pinterest. They work exactly like they do on Twitter by allowing users to search for content and images you post on the social channel.
  10. Use links as often as possible. Approximately 95 percent of the posts you place on social channels should include a link. Whether it directs users to another social channel or your website, you’re keeping them connected to your company.

So far, which social channel do your consumers follow the most often? Why do you think that is?

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