5 Signs You’ve Outgrown Your Current ERP System

Businesses that use ERP systems don’t need to be told how important it is. An ERP system manages everything for the organization, from orders to supply chain tracking to inventory and so much in between. However, because it is so vital to a business, most organizations don’t want to think about the possibility that they have outgrown their current ERP solution. Even if they have considered it, how do they know if they have truly outgrown their ERP system?

If your organization exhibits any of these five signs listed below, it’s time to upgrade your current ERP solution.

Real-time Reporting Issues

If your ERP doesn’t allow access to real-time data, your error risk greatly increases. Without seeing what is going on at that very second, it’s all too easy to make errors in judgment. Even worse, it doesn’t allow you to fix errors before they are catastrophic.

In addition, if generating a report at all takes about the same time as a lunch break, your file sizes (and thus your business) are too big for the system to handle.

Manual Entry

Are you manually entering data into your system from other reports, orders, sales, etc.? You and your ERP are both working too hard and too inefficiently. You need a system that will auto-populate the data from the Internet and/or other IoT devices.

Lack of Configuration and Scalability

You should be able to configure your ERP at any point to meet your business’ needs, and a good ERP system will allow a company to do so. If you ever think of things you wish you could do with your software, then your ERP is definitely holding your company back.

Your ERP should also be able to scale to your business’ demands. Simply put, as your business grows, your ERP should be able to grow with it.

Company Decisions Made Based Upon ERP Limitations

If your ERP’s limitations have ever held back your ability to get the information you need to make the informed decisions you need to make, you’ve definitely outgrown your system. No software should ever hold your company back.

Using Multiple Software Systems

Is your company using various software systems to keep track of customers, shipments, orders, vendors, etc.? You shouldn’t be. Your ERP system should be able to handle all of that for you, in one fell swoop.

Do you see one of these telltale signs in your business? Please contact us at any time to learn what a new ERP system can do for your business.

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