5 Ways a NetSuite Partner Can Benefit Your Business

NetSuite is one of today’s most widely adopted, cloud-based ERP systems. Sikich is a NetSuite 5-Star Award partner, and we help clients implement and use it to their best advantage. The Oracle NetSuite organization itself also assists businesses in deploying the solution. Both NetSuite and Sikich offer the ERP system optimized for certain industries.

Given that NetSuite is a highly standardized solution, clients often wonder why they should collaborate with Sikich to implement it instead of simply working directly with NetSuite. Here are five reasons why it can be more beneficial for your business to use a NetSuite partner instead of NetSuite itself.

Beyond the Standard Installation

NetSuite uses an efficient, standardized approach that can work well if companies have been through an ERP implementation before and know what this entails. Its direct implementations are largely defined by best-practice templates for processes and roles. They preconfigure the solution for different industries and business models, and then deploy it based on the standard functionality that was identified as meeting the client’s needs by the NetSuite business development. This can be fast and efficient, but only if the outcomes are right.

Smaller companies with relatively simple requirements may find working with NetSuite directly ideal, since NetSuite offers an easy way to streamline and consolidate operations.

In addition, NetSuite will guide businesses through the implementation, but doesn’t actually perform the work. This is fine for companies or their key project contributors have completed an ERP project before. However, if this is the first time a company is transitioning from basic software to a full-fledged ERP, it might benefit from more guidance than what NetSuite can provide.

Business Process Assessment

Sikich provides a thorough review of your business processes vetted against the functionality of your incoming ERP solution removes all uncertainty regarding what you can achieve with NetSuite. We are committed to delivering an implementation that meets our clients’ expectations with predictable, measurable outcomes. The business process assessment sets the stage for a successful project with minimal risk.

In this assessment, we closely review your business workflows and establish a blueprint for an implementation of NetSuite. You come to understand what software licenses you need, which functionality you get with the standard solution, how capabilities gaps can be bridged, and what integrations and data migrations you should plan.

Once the assessment is complete, you know what to expect in terms of costs, time commitments, and outcomes of your NetSuite deployment. From there, you can hold us accountable during the deployment.

Industry Expertise

Sikich is very strong in certain industries, including life sciences, wholesale distribution, manufacturing, professional services, software, and not-for-profit organizations. We also have the expertise to perform integrations with your specialized systems and industry solutions. We use best-practice-based process templates for clients in our focus industries to keep NetSuite implementations efficient and ensure great outcomes from them.

On our NetSuite teams, you find professionals who have spent years in a certain industry before joining Sikich. As your NetSuite partner, we can optimize the ERP solution for your specific industry-best practices and processes.

Customizations and Integrations

Pushing for the fastest possible project completion will not always be in a client’s best interest. It can greatly add to the value of an implementation if we consider the entire technology environment including integrations and supporting applications. Even if your company doesn’t currently need any software integrations, we might suggest additional, integrated software tools so you can gain a complete business management solution.

Data Migration

When you work with NetSuite directly, changing or extending the basic solution configuration can become challenging. To a degree, the NetSuite team can guide clients through the necessary steps. If that is not feasible,
they will refer you to a partner, meaning you will have to engage with more than one organization. With Sikich as your NetSuite partner, you always have one point of contact, and we manage all tasks required to complete your implementation.

Data migrations and integrations with other business systems can have a huge impact on the success of your deployment, and there are many process and technical decisions involved. If these steps don’t align with your business requirements, your NetSuite functionality and user productivity might be hampered.

Next Steps

If you want to explore a collaboration with Sikich as your NetSuite partner, here are the next steps you can take:

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