About Dynamics 365 Product Visualize

Product Visualize is a powerful tool of Dynamics 365 that uses augmented reality to aid the sales process where sellers are able to show customers a product right from their sales workflow on a mobile device. By using augmented reality on a mobile device, customers have the capability to view products in a real-world environment and make faster business decisions. Products are often highly configurable, especially in industries such as manufacturing, automotive, and healthcare, and having the ability to view a 3D product within a customer’s workspace results in higher customer satisfaction and quicker deal closures.

What Dynamics 365 Product Visualize Does

Product Visualize allows you to view, move, resize, lift, and rotate the model by using the touchscreen to drag, drop, and move the model up and down. These simple gestures help to ensure complete transparency of the product in the whichever environment the user is looking in. These features become especially useful when the object of interest is too large to be brought to the customers site, yet the customer still wants the in-person experience. This gives sellers an advantage over their competitors who may not be using mixed reality.

In addition, there is a feature that allows users to view or hide “layers” of the product which helps the customer interact and understand the product better. The product can be completely customized according to the customers requirements.

Product Visualize Benefits

Keeping track of customer’s requirements can sometimes be a daunting task. Microsoft has made it effortless by creating a feature for users and sellers to make notes about the product or to draw directly onto the digital model that make tracking requests or customizing the product simple. The notes are saved and can be reviewed by the seller in order to ensure exactly what the customer wants and can be beneficial for future visits. Sellers can refer back to what was previously discussed.

The seller’s motive is to make sure that the customer’s goals are entirely met, and this provides the means to do so. Notes can also be shared among team members to make collaboration efficient. Once the seller has a better understanding of what the customer is looking for, the seller has more leverage to move the customer through the sales process.

Product Visualize helps build the customer’s confidence and assists with communication of needs to the seller. Fewer change orders are needed due to the reliability of Product Visualize, which results in saved time, resources, and costs. This results in boosted sales, fewer returns, misunderstandings, and higher customer approval. Providing a seamless buying experience for the customer has never been easier and helps to ensure repeat business and referrals from the customer.

Have any questions about Dynamics 365 Product Visualize? Please reach out to us at any time!

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