Apply ‘Measure Twice, Cut Once’ Logic to Your HCM Project

‘Measure Twice, Cut Once’. This age-old adage has stood the test of time as a guiding principle to ensure planning and precision and avoid costly errors. Beyond its original context in terms of construction, this phrase is still relevant now in the realm of business strategy and project planning. Taking proactive measures to minimize mistakes and optimize resources is critical when navigating the complexities of project execution in an uncertain economy.  

Today’s business environment is marked by constantly shifting economic conditions, progressive technological developments and evolving consumer habits. As a result, many companies are adopting a cautious approach, postponing or scaling back projects until a clearer image emerges. This ‘wait and see’ response to the economy might seem prudent; however, it could lead to missed opportunities or an inability to remain competitive. In times of economic turbulence, the ‘Measure Twice, Cut Once’ approach becomes even more critical. Challenging HCM projects such as implementations, mergers and acquisitions or consolidations, global rollouts, organizational restructuring and many others are all impacted. With resources and budgets under scrutiny, companies must ensure their investment yields maximum results.  


Enter project justification and strategic planning – a game-changer in the world of project definition and execution. By meticulously evaluating the benefits and attributes of a project prior to kickoff, companies can make well-informed decisions that are based on concrete data rather than assumptions or hasty judgments focused on the short term.  Not only does this lessen the chances of expensive errors, but it also guarantees that the project is in line with the company’s strategic goals and budget. 

In developing a project business case, an advisor helps define the project reason, risks, benefits, challenges and estimated costs. Identifying the value proposition of a project and gaining approval of project sponsors and stakeholders helps define the project goals and feasibility and eliminate many project roadblocks. 


A well-structured strategic roadmap not only justifies the need for the project but also outlines a step-by-step plan for execution with corresponding timelines. This will eliminate wasted time, money and resources, as well as ensure that all team members are in alignment with the organization’s strategic vision. As the compass, the roadmap will guide the organization through the project’s lifecycle with the flexibility to make adjustments along the way.  

By engaging a third party for a business case and strategic roadmap, your company will be able to carefully consider the various factors that can influence project success, including factors you may not have considered. Factors like budget constraints, available bandwidth of resources, potential conflicts with existing projects and rollout options can be identified early in the process. By taking all the variables into account, businesses can create a robust and adaptive project plan that stands a better chance of achieving success, even during uncertain economic conditions.  

Embracing this proactive approach to project planning has numerous benefits, including: 

  • Organizational approval and alignment
  • Executive support
  • Improved resource allocation
  • Reduced project delays and costs
  • Enhanced decision-making capabilities
  • Increased competitive advantage 

Through business case and strategic roadmap and planning services, companies can methodically evaluate projects, align to strategic initiatives and mitigate risks effectively. By adopting the ‘Measure Twice, Cut Once’ approach, organizations can optimize their resources, avoid unnecessary costs and stay ahead of the curve, even during economic uncertainty. For more information or for support with your next HCM project, contact our experts.  

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