Business Central 2022 (W1) Release: Enhanced Email Capabilities

D365 Business Central (BC) 2022 Wave 1 (W1) update, which will release in April 2022, will automatically enable the Enhanced Email Capabilities within Feature Management.

When the Enhanced Email Capabilities Feature is enabled, BC will no longer utilize the email configuration setup within the SMTP Mail Setup window.

business central email

The Feature Management Window shows the status of the Enhanced Email Capabilities functionality. The April release will automatically enable the feature or you can navigate to this window to enable and configure the feature before the update to ensure there is no disruption to your emailing ability out of BC.

outbound business central email

Configuration will need to be completed within the Email Accounts window. Enhanced Capabilities allow for the setup of Email Scenarios utilizing different email accounts for BC documents being sent.

setting up new email accounts

The Set Up Email window provides options for a Microsoft 365 account, utilization of the Current BC user or an SMTP configuration. The wizard will assist with setup and testing.

set up email window in Business Central

For additional assistance with Email Accounts configuration or Email Scenarios setup in Dynamics 365 Business Central, please contact us at any time!

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