Digitally Transforming Your Business for COVID-19

As the U.S. and the world continue to respond to COVID-19, we have continued to leverage the technology solutions that we have in place today. We are fully prepared to further assist clients and prospects with their needs and how we support them. This has been a part of Sikich’s Digital Transformation strategy for several years. Not only do we support our clients and prospects, but many have approached Sikich about how they can leverage the same solutions that Sikich utilizes to allow them to collaborate and communicate more effectively. All with a goal of continuing to push their business forward.

Virtual Technologies Digitally

In proactively working with companies, we have a playbook that outlines a business’s ability to transform through the use of Virtual Technologies Digitally. Walking businesses through their ability to collaborate in today’s technology environment remotely is imperative to their current and future business success. Over the past couple of weeks, we have seen a noticeable uptick in Video Conferencing and Virtual Meetings. Businesses are embracing this as they know it is the new normal.

Best Practices that we have encouraged in conducting virtual meetings include:

  1. Make sure your cameras are on.
  2. Stay engaged in the conversation as if you were sitting in a conference room.
  3. Update your status to “Do Not Disturb” so as not to be distracted during meetings.

Have a reliable plan centered around: (Sikich can help with the plan.)

  1. Messaging
  2. Web Conference Calls
  3. Document Sharing and Collaboration
  4. White Boarding

All of these best practices contribute to getting everyone on the same page. As companies adopt, they need to pay particular attention to the fact that this is a change. In as much, a business needs to have proper training, documentation, and videos on how this can benefit a business. The proper training tools and sources will lead to consistent use across all corporate channels and will get employees quickly on board with this new normal.

The Sikich Experience

At Sikich, we have been doing this for years. As a result, there has not been much of a transition for our teams. Being experienced with this method of doing business, we would like to help our clients and prospects adopt to this remote work environment as a new way of conducting and doing business.

At the end of the day, our goal is to ensure that we can help businesses minimize the impact of COVID-19. Through embracing digital transformation, a business can continue to lessen the overall impact of COVID-19 by utilizing these available technologies.

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