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Case Study – Overhauling an Outdated Employee Experience Program


The Sikich Business Transformation team was contacted by a prominent national bank to enhance employee experience during a technology evaluation and strategic roadmap planning process. The bank’s history of disjointed systems and isolated solutions in various areas led to a negative user experience for employees, with limited comprehension of the underlying challenges.

The Solution:

During Sikich’s preliminary investigation, initial stakeholders were identified, and a robust interview questionnaire was developed to discover undocumented challenges. Through the stakeholder identification process, Sikich reviewed the organizational structure and uncovered underrepresented groups to add to the interview list.

In an effort to be as nondisruptive to employees’ day-to-day responsibilities as possible, we worked with the client to schedule confidential stakeholder interviews. To understand drivers of an improved employee experience, we gathered key insights from multiple areas of the business and levels of employees.

When the investigative process was complete, we developed a plan for what needed to change within the employee experience. We were also able to provide the client with a list of key influencers and “change champions” within their organization to advocate for these changes.

The Results:

We created a comprehensive report for the national bank, highlighting the core factors driving the organization’s initiative for a rejuvenated, favorable employee experience. The report also addressed the challenges that needed to be tackled and available resources to utilize for effective communication strategies to ensure the successful implementation of upcoming changes.

The identified group of employee influencers were engaged in focus groups during the project to delve deeper into challenges and identify effective communication strategies. They continue to play a vital role in creating a culture of continuous improvement by actively responding to surveys to collect feedback and continuously improving the employee experience.

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