Change in Year-End Requirements for Title IV Schools

Effective for fiscal years beginning after July 1, 2024, for-profit educational institutions’ audited financial statements submitted to the Department of Education must match the fiscal year end on your institutions’ tax returns. This change affects organizations that submit tax returns based on a calendar year end and audits for Title IV purposes with a non-calendar year end.

Mechanics of the Rule Change and Considerations

Institutions that have traditionally used June 30 as your fiscal year for Title IV purposes and a calendar year end for annual tax returns will need to modify your fiscal year to align with your year end for all audits with fiscal years starting on or after July 1, 2024. Audited financial statements for this revised fiscal year (January 1, 2024-December 31, 2024) will be required and due by June 30, 2025. This includes submitting a stub compliance audit from July 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024 to transition over to a calendar year end.

With this change, it is important that institutions plan for both financial responsibility ratios and 90/10, as these will need to be met for the submitted audits. If your institution fails either of the ratios for the legacy year end, there are additional steps to take to remain compliant with the Department of Education.

Avoiding This Change 

This new rule will likely lead to changing the audit year end for most, as there are limited options for many entities to change your tax year end to comply. Institutions with non-calendar year ends that are taxed as S Corporations can consider changing your tax year to align with your current audit year end. However, institutions taxed as partnerships or sole proprietorships are required to change your audit year end to December 31, as a non-calendar year ends are not an option.

If your institution is a flow-through entity with a June 30 or later year end, be prepared to adjust your audit year end. You should also plan to conduct multiple audits for both your 2024 fiscal and 2024 calendar year during the transition. Institutions with January through May 31 year ends will make the transition with your 2025 audit or examination.

What’s Next?

With the logistics involved in making such a change, planning and maintaining compliance is critical. Reach out to the experts at Sikich to discuss further information on the fiscal year changes and about year-end planning in this year of transition.

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