Security From a Partner That Has Been There, Done That

When looking at technology solutions, you need to work with a company that understands the intricacies of security and how it wraps around technology infrastructure. This holds true for both Cloud-Deployed and On-Premise Solutions.

Just do a Google search on security breach, and you will see hundreds of stories. Don’t become one of those stories.

That’s where having a great plan in place is important. Any well-managed service provider should provide both managed and professional security services as part of their approach. If they don’t, look for another one. Naturally, we’d recommend starting with Sikich.

Security Partner Must-Have: Customized Plans

A dependable Managed Service Provider is going to work with you to understand your business and should conduct a risk assessment with you to understand the threats that your business faces. This allows them to tailor their offering around your business and your needs and your technology infrastructure. Never settle for a security partner that offers a one-size-fits all solution.

Don’t spend a lot of money on security for areas that might not be as important to your business as others. At Sikich, we will work with you to conduct a security and risk assessment. Then and only then will we map out an IT security and technology plan so that both our managed and professional services can be proactive against the threats to your business.

Security Partner Must-Have: MSP and MSSP Experience

Finding a partner that is experienced in delivering managed IT services and managed security services is a must. But if the partner also has experience in additional professional services such as risk assessments and penetration testing, and you’ll have found a partner that can truly guide your security and technology initiatives. As it just so happens, Sikich has vast experience with these exact professional services.When it comes to penetration testing, we assess the risks from both within and without.

We also highly recommend Microsoft’s security suite, as it provides great solutions a business can leverage to protect itself from cybercriminals. Also, if you deploy the security essentials in Microsoft Azure, you will combine Sikich’s resources along with the prowess of the Microsoft Cloud. These solutions, combined with Sikich, will give you all of the security and confidence you need.

Ready to find your experienced security partner? Contact our experts today.

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