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Coupa R36 Release – Enhanced Batching Experience Functionality Missing

Many of our clients who use Coupa Pay were excited to see all of the new features offered in the R36 Enhanced Batching Experience functionality. Optimizations include enhancements to both the Payment Batch User Interface and Payment Batch performance. But not all of our clients automatically received this functionality in the rollout.

If you’re missing your Enhanced Batching Experience functionality, you’re not alone! And luckily, there is a way to rectify your missing features. Coupa clients can request this feature to be enabled, as Coupa is using this feature on select customers only, with the intent to roll it out more broadly in the future. Details on the included features are below. And if you need help with either the enablement of or training on this new Payment functionality, please reach out to one of our experts today for assistance!

Enhancements to Payment Batch User Interface

  • New Select All action on the Invoices to Pay page selects all filtered payments at once for easier batching.
  • Up to 5 boxes on the payment batch page will easily show you the count of Errors, count of Warnings, number of Funding Sources, number of Payment Rails, and a link to download the Positive Pay File for check payments. Click on the Errors or Warnings to filter dynamically for those payments.
  • You can collapse a payment to hide all invoices in that payment or else expand it to show all related invoices.
  • Easily filter payments within the batch or search for payments within the payment batch with quick search or Advanced search.
  • New seeded views for easily filtering payments within your payment batch:
    • Errors: Shows all payments with an error.
    • Warnings: Shows all payments with a warning.
    • Net Negative Total: Shows all payments with a net negative total, so you don’t have to sort manually through the batch to find and remove net negative payments.
    • Not Ready to Pay: Shows all payments with an invoice that is no longer ready to pay. If, for example, the invoice was voided while your batch was in Draft status, it will no longer be available for payment. This new view sorts out all situations like that so that you can easily remove those invoices from your batch.
  • The new bulk Delete function lets you quickly remove payments that you no longer wish to pay from your batch.
  • The new bulk Update function lets you change the Pay From account for multiple payments at the same time. A Pay From account must already be assigned to the payments to use this feature.
  • A payment status chart that quickly summarizes your batch by status and amount.

Enhancements to Payment Batch Performance

  • To enhance performance, we have backgrounded payment batch creation so that you can keep working while the batch is created. You can navigate away from the page and wait to receive a notification once the batch is created or wait for the batch to load for smaller-sized batches.
  • Upon submission of the payment batch, the payment batch will transition to Submission in Progress. If the submission is successful, it will transition to Pending Approval. If there are any errors, the status reverts back to Draft, and the submitting user receives a notification that the batch could not be submitted for approval.
  • Upon rejection of the payment batch, the payment batch will transition to Rejection in Progress. Once the backgrounding of the rejection has been completed, the batch will transition to Draft.
  • When loading the payment batch, it will now load in increments of 50. A banner at the top of the screen will show the loading progress as well as when all payments have been successfully loaded and validated. You may work on any payment that has already been loaded.

Have any questions about the new Coupa Enhanced Batching Experience functionality in R36? Please reach out to our Coupa experts at any time!

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