Cybersecurity Predictions for 2023

With 2022 in the books, the Sikich Cybersecurity practice is looking toward what the new year has in store. Members of the team offered the following cybersecurity predictions for 2023.

Kevin Bong, Director

“Ransomware attacks will continue to target companies of every size and industry, with attackers aggressively working to delete unprotected on-premises backups during attacks.”

Aaron Sullivan, Senior Consultant

“Attackers will continue to exploit the use of weak passwords or previously disclosed credentials within organizations, as password vaults are cracked due to the breach of LastPass.”

Steven Steinberg, Senior Consultant

ChatGPT and other AI programs will aid foreign attackers in writing more convincing phishing campaigns and, thus, phishing attacks will become more prevalent and more difficult to detect.”

Lee Layton, Senior Consultant

“Users’ tendency toward setting weak credentials will allow ransomware attacks to remain prevalent. Attackers will also identify more critical vulnerabilities in popular off-the-shelf software (e.g., Microsoft Exchange, Log4j, etc.).”

Lauren O’Laughlin, Account Manager

“If we head into a recession, it could result in weakened security postures depending upon how organizations decide to cut costs. While it hasn’t necessarily played out this way in the past, a recession could also possibly result in the pool of potential threat actors growing if people struggle to find jobs or pay bills.”

Chris Jones, Senior Manager, Quality Assurance

“As the number of severe weather events increases, so too will the opportunities for cybercriminals to victimize people, both those directly affected by the events and those wanting to assist in recovery efforts (e.g., charity scams).”

Something that won’t change in this new year is the need to remain vigilant in protecting your systems from attacks. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team for advice or assistance in improving and maintaining your cybersecurity posture in 2023.

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