Dynamics 365 Business Central AppSource

One of the most appealing features of Dynamics 365 Business Central is its ability to seamlessly integrate various apps and other services while still allowing for the automatic updates made to the base code by Microsoft. These apps help tailor the ERP to the specific needs of the business. In addition, the integration allows users to use one platform instead of several, which creates better efficiency, accuracy and opens up possibilities to other existing and new solutions not previously available. Dynamics 365 Business Central is no different, having its own catalog of available apps.

The Dynamics 365 Business Central AppSource contains certified SaaS (software-as-a-service) apps and integration services. With this catalog, D365BC customers can discover new apps, sign up for free trials and then purchase the apps they choose. All of these apps are built on the Microsoft Cloud platform and undergo a very detailed screening process to be available in AppSource.

Customers can install an app themselves in their sandbox environment. That said, they will need their Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) to assist them in deploying the app into Production. The platform also allows for custom modification specific to just the customer’s tenant using the same extensions model as the apps in AppSource.  The end user experience also provides an in-app designer that will walk the end user through a wizard making small modifications to the core application all while creating an extension for them automatically.

Other Important Notes About AppSource

The pricing for the apps  in AppSource will vary depending upon the vendor. The apps can be free-to-try, have a one-time fee, have a monthly fee or even be based upon a consumption model.

Just like how Microsoft will update the base code automatically, vendors will also provide periodic updates to the apps they sell in AppSource. As soon as the vendors update their app, AppSource will propagate the update to every tenant with that particular app.

In addition to apps, Customers will also be able to purchase services from Vendors on AppSource.  For example, services to implement D365BC, services to complete data migration or delivering a simple system assessment for an existing installation.

Have more questions or are ready to start your D365BC subscription? Contact us today!

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