Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations: Vendor Information Workspace

This Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations Vendor Information Workspace is purely about managing the vendor users.

D365FO Vendor Information Workspace

Let’s start with a vendor that has no contacts. We can add new contacts via this workspace, or we can add them the traditional way through the vendor master.

Method 1: Add new vendor contact via workspace or Vendor collaboration module

From the Vendor information workspace, click on the “All contacts” tile to get to Contacts page or from the Vendor collaboration module, go to Contacts > All contacts. On the Contacts page, click on the “New” button to create a new contact.

Create contact persons window

On this dialog box to create a new contact person, no vendor account numbers are available in the “Setup contact for” table, so we better know precisely how the vendor is called. Also, there is no name search on the field “Legal entity in my company,” so it can be quite tedious to find the vendor.

Vendor contact information

After the contact person details are entered, and the vendor is found and selected, a new contact is now created that is linked to the selected vendor in “Legal entity in my company.”

Method 2: Add new vendor contact via vendor master

A vendor contact can be added via the Vendor master page as well. This method of adding contacts is much easier and by far the preferred way.

set up contacts menu

create new record

Let’s return to the Vendor information workspace. We can see that now we have two contacts.

new contacts in vendor information workspace

Go to the list of all contacts again and select a contact to provision and click on the “Provision vendor user” button. By “provisioning” a contact, the contact will become a “user request.”

provision vendor user in vendor information workspace

In the User setup section, Email and Business justification fields are mandatory.

business justification window

Expand the “Legal entities the person is a contact for,” and the vendor will be listed under “Legal entity in my company.”  We just have to check the “vendor collaboration” checkbox for the vendor.

legal entities window

Expand the “Assigns user roles” and click on the “Assign” for the user roles. Click on the “Submit” button.

assign user roles

After “Submit,” we get this message:

success notification

Going back to the Vendor information workspace, in the User requests list, we now have a user request in submitted status.

vendor contact details

add new user window

Following this, create a worker with the same name as the contact and link that worker to a D365 User ID that has the following roles. Now, we will have a functional vendor user.

functional vendor user

We have bypassed the user request that remains in status “Pending approval.”

vendor contact details

Clicking on “Users” tile, we see contact, worker and D365 external system user = vendor user.

users tile

This user is ready to login.

In addition, this Vendor information workspace has a useful link “Purchase order confirmation.”

vendor information workspace with purchase order confirmation link

This link will get us to the Purchase order confirmation workspace.

purchase order confirmation workspace

Have any questions regarding the Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations Vendor Information Workspace? Please contact our experts at any time!

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