Microsoft Dynamics 365 in Distribution: Warehouse Management (WMS)

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain (D365FSC) is Microsoft’s premium business application suite, built exactly for modern distribution. Combining world-class technology and infrastructure with best practice business processes and fully integrated analytical reporting, D365FSC can relieve the pains that are very common within the distribution space. One of the features that enables productivity is the warehouse management solution (WMS) embedded into Dynamics 365.

With robust and flexible label printing and scanning capabilities, the WMS solution drives efficiency throughout the warehouse, reducing processing costs and driving margins up. Warehouse management functionality includes elements to manage all facets of your operations from quarantine and quality processes to directed putaway on the inbound side to wave and cluster picking on the outbound side. The system can be configured to optimize warehouse operators’ time and flow through the aisles. Enterprise data collection and enterprise labeling and cycle counting programs, promote inventory accuracy and reduces error and inventory movements.

Configuring the Warehouse Management Solution

The warehouse data collection device is completely configurable by user or user role within the operation. For example, menu items can be hidden or revealed depending on what function each warehouse operator needs.

Inbound Menu Items

The inbound menu items can be configured to allow for purchase receipts, putaways, transfers, returns, and goods in transit.

Outbound Menu Items

The outbound menu items can be configured to optimize picking, packing, and containerization.

Inventory Menu Items

The inventory menu items can be configured for cycle counts, inventory movements, and replenishments.

Quality Menu Items

You can even set up quality functions to process quality in quarantine status changes, movements, scrap, and putaways.

Using Dynamics 365 for Purchase Receipts and Putaways

As a quick example, let’s walk through a purchase receipt and putaway scenario that utilizes the scanning and label printing that comes standard with D365FSC. This process is configured to be a two-step process of receipt and putaway, but the flexibility of the platform can allow for a single step or even an added quality step if required.

Once my initial product proceed is completed, the user can generate a license plate and product label and then print it for the putaway process. With the printed label, the user can then scan the license plate label to complete the directed putaway, where they will be moving inventory from a receiving dock or receiving location to an inventory storage location within the warehouse.

Warehouse Management Analytics and KPIs

D365FSC already includes analytics and KPI functionality so that it’s easy to understand how your warehouses are performing. With metrics such as on-time shipments by site and warehouse on the outbound side to average putaway time by worker and on-time receipts on the inbound side, D365 allows you to analyze the operations of your business and capitalize or correct, depending on needs.

As you can see, the D365FSC warehouse management solution is built for modern distributors to drive efficiency and understand performance. Have any questions about how Dynamics 365 can help with your warehouse management? Please reach out to us at any time!

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