Microsoft Dynamics 2012 R2 Purchase Requisition of type Replenishment

A new type of Requisition exists: Replenishment!

This requisition is supposed to handle cases where I do not ask for permission to buy something but rather enter a request to my manager to get something from a warehouse, so that would be a transfer. This new feature handles that situation nicely, not directly, but using Master Planning. This smart move makes this a flexible feature. Master planning is looking at approved Replenishment requests and will create a planned order. A planned order of any kind, the order type depends on the item. So we can even get a planned production order after an approved replenishment request! I think the most common use of this new feature will be the planned transfer.

How to set up Master Planning for Replenishment Requisitions

Two things have to be set up on the Master plan: “include requisitions” and “approved requisitions time fence”

Now Master Planning will create a planned order when it sees a demand called “requisition line”, see below. This will be an approved requisition line.

How to create a Replenishment Requisition

The requisition purpose can default to “Replenishment” or can be chosen. That is controlled by a policy.

The policy is the requisition purpose rule.

The replenishment control rule is available for this type of requisitions

Now we are off to the races. Create the Replenishment Requisition and get it approved!

PS For transfers within a site, Master planning is able to firm the planned transfer order to a Transfer journal. This parameter is on the site record.

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