Financial Services Cloud for Banks

Financial Services Cloud (FSC) is a Salesforce client relationship management (CRM) platform designed to meet the needs and challenges of the financial services industry, with out-of-the-box and customizable functionality suitable for wealth and asset managers, insurance agents, and more. For banks, FSC can be an incredible tool to help streamline processes and workflows, improve communication and customer experience, increase revenue, and bolster trust in your firm.

Let’s explore some of FSC’s top features and functionalities for bankers.

Automate work processes

FSC allows banks to automate an array of processes, including onboarding new customers, updating records, and processing transitions, allowing bankers more time to spend on customer service, relationship building, and high-level tasks. 

Centralize customer data

With FSC, bankers can view each customer’s complete history with the bank, including financial account transactions, financial goals, communications, and more.

Automate sales and marketing

Bankers can use FSC to automate lead generation and tracking, analyze successes and pitfalls of campaigns, and get insights into market trends and opportunities to more efficiently identify target markets.

Personalize customer service

With FSC’s ability to provide a 360-view of clients, bankers can get deeper insights and understanding of their customers, which allows them to provide more personalized insights and recommendations, while improving client-banker relationships.


Using FSC, bankers can automate compliance processes related to industry regulations, such as the Bank Secrecy Act, increasing transparency, creating less room for reporting errors, and allowing bankers to identify areas of success and areas that can be improved in regards to compliance.

Analytics and reporting

FSC’s analytics and reporting functionality provides banking teams with real-time insights on revenue, profitability, customer engagement, and more. As a result of this real-time data, bankers can make more informed decisions and optimize operations.

Ready to learn more about how Financial Services Cloud can help your bank become more efficient and increase revenue while improving customer service?

Contact Sikich today to connect with our highly skilled Salesforce experts to learn more about how Salesforce FSC can transform your bank’s workflows, processes, customer relations, and more.

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