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Green Manufacturing: How to Be an Eco-friendly Manufacturer

Green manufacturing is the concept of decreasing waste, minimizing the use of natural resources, and reusing and recycling materials within a manufacturing plant or factory. This eco-friendly approach utilizes research and technology to reduce pollution, resources, and, ultimately, a company’s adverse impact on the planet.   

Reasons to Go Green  

When manufacturers implement green initiatives and eco-friendly practices into their businesses, they are taking a step toward reducing their carbon footprint. On top of that, companies that establish this environmentally friendly practice can see an uptick in consumer engagement. We live in an era where most consumers pay attention to the companies they support; today’s customers often prefer organizations that make an effort to be sustainable. In the public eye, companies that recycle and source sustainably are regularly held at a higher standard by buyers compared to businesses with no green initiatives.  

While changing your current processes may cost your business more to begin with, long-term eco-friendly implementations are proven to last longer and work better than traditional, harmful practices. Take the lightbulb, for example—more businesses are moving toward using energy-efficient lightbulbs due to the longevity they provide. Eco-friendly lightbulbs equal to buying less bulbs overall. Reducing waste, pollution, and resources increases efficiency, as does the process of reusing and recycling materials that can be repurposed. 

Federal, state, and local governments also generally offer tax credits and incentives to businesses that use and produce certain renewable energy technologies or meet green standards. Please reach out to your Sikich contact for more information on what credits and incentives are available to you. 

Become an Eco-friendly Manufacturer 

There are numerous ways to turn your manufacturing business green. To begin, companies can choose to get their energy from renewable resources, such as solar or wind. Businesses can also use sustainable materials or recycled products instead of plastic. Raw materials can be sourced ethically, too, when these products are necessary for the factory. This can be done by getting the material from post-consumer waste or waste streams. 

In the manufacturing industry, companies are also turning toward lean production—a method that works to maximize efficiency and minimize waste in all areas of the business. Through this process of using less yet producing more, an organization can reduce their carbon footprint. In addition, manufacturers can eliminate waste in their inventory by stocking their shelves only with what they need at that moment, to prevent items from expiring and having to be unused and discarded. 

Even just turning off the factory’s lights at the end of each work day is proven to make a difference. Our team of manufacturing and distribution experts are here to talk you through all the aspects of your business—reach out to us with questions about how to make your company more successful.

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