How ISO 9001 and the Sikich STARS Program Can Support CMMC Compliance

The Defense Industrial Base (DIB) sector has been tasked with meeting the requirements set forth by the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) program. This program is designed to make sure that contractors working with the Department of Defense (DoD) are properly safeguarding sensitive information, protecting warfighters, and meeting evolving cybersecurity threats. Manufacturers that are part of the DIB and fulfilling contracts for the DoD must comply with these new requirements, and many are looking for ways to integrate existing processes into their compliance program.

About ISO 9001

ISO 9001 is an international standard that outlines a quality management system (QMS) that is designed to help organizations consistently meet customer and regulatory requirements. The principles of ISO 9001, such as process documentation, risk management, continuous improvement, and supplier management, can align well with the requirements set forth by the CMMC program. In fact, several of the processes established by manufacturers that are already certified to ISO 9001 can support CMMC compliance.

Process Documentation

One of the key rules of ISO 9001 is process documentation. ISO 9001 requires that organizations document their processes in order to make sure that those processes are consistently followed. This documentation can also help organizations understand the inter-relationships between processes and how they support overall business goals. This process documentation can be leveraged to demonstrate compliance with CMMC requirements.

Risk Management

Risk management is another area where ISO 9001 and CMMC overlap. ISO 9001 requires that organizations assess and manage risk, and the CMMC program requires that suppliers implement risk management processes to protect sensitive information. By leveraging existing ISO 9001 processes, manufacturers can meet CMMC requirements while maintaining consistency in their risk management practices.

Continuous Improvement

Continuous improvement is a key principle of ISO 9001, and it is also a requirement of the CMMC program. By continuously improving their processes, organizations can demonstrate their commitment to meeting customer and regulatory requirements, including those set forth by the CMMC program.

Supplier Management

Lastly, ISO 9001 also includes requirements for supplier management, which can help manufacturers demonstrate compliance with CMMC requirements related to supply chain security. By making sure that suppliers are meeting their own quality management requirements, manufacturers can reduce the risk of sensitive information being compromised.

The Sikich STARS Program

The Sikich STARS program is a comprehensive CMMC readiness solution that can help manufacturers integrate ISO 9001 processes into their CMMC compliance program. The STARS program includes five key components —scope, train, assess, remediate, and support—and can help manufacturers identify areas of overlap between ISO 9001 and CMMC, as well as any gaps that need to be filled. With the Sikich STARS program, manufacturers can benefit from a streamlined approach to compliance, and can feel confident that they are meeting all of the requirements set forth by both ISO 9001 and the CMMC program.

ISO 9001 and CMMC can complement each other well, and the Sikich STARS program can help manufacturers leverage their existing ISO 9001 processes to achieve CMMC compliance. By aligning their quality management and cybersecurity programs, manufacturers can demonstrate their commitment to meeting customer and regulatory requirements, while reducing the risk of sensitive information being compromised. If you’d like to work with a partner you can trust to help you streamline and support your CMMC compliance efforts, contact our team of experts to learn more about the Sikich STARS program.

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